Chapter 18

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Dominic's POV:

Ambivalence...absolute fucking ambivalence. A thousand thoughts are brimming in a perpetual manner, with new ones brewing one after another. I find myself in a downright frenzy.

Of all, rage is the most prominent. The girl's mere action has irked me beyond repair. And when exasperation runs, it knows no bounds. Numero ways flood my mind, and in all of them I am able to only sketch images of tormenting Ellie.

Not in the ways torture has been defined to mankind. I plan to torture her in sickly sweet ways. Ways that would only lead her to writhing under me, in affliction and in ecstasy both.

On second thoughts, I could have her locked in one of my cells, pull her nails out one by one, hear her screams of vail echoing through the cemented walls, torture her for days and nights. Starve her till her insides start eating her out. Bring her face to face with a truer picture of agony. But that would do her no good, and that would do me no good.

What I desire is something deeper, something sinner than sin itself. The urge to break her, and then make her into what I need is now dominant more than ever. To ruin her, and let her be the spectator of the art I'll create out of her. To let her be the canvas upon which I'll paint to my heart's desire.

Of course, all this can not be achieved through mere physical torture. What I feel for her is far more complicated and only my little mouse is to blame for all this. The mouse has unknowingly provoked what I have kept at bay.

However, my amplifying anger is infused with a glint of vexation. In the back of my mind, runs a thought which provokes an emotion that I have long lost.

Fear. Fear of something bad happening to her. Oizys is a well secured town. One that the Stanley twins have complete control over. But Oneiros isn't. There is an ongoing dispute with the cops. An obstacle I have yet to overcome.

If she ends up in the police's web, it will not end well for her. Once they find out that she is indeed linked with me, she will not be spared. Just like I have never spared their officers.

An eye for an eye.

The mere thought of someone else laying his hands on her does not settle well with me. I grab the landline and bark a few orders at my men. This mere action, not being enough. I grab my cellphone and contact my right hand.

" Cairo, vacation ends. " I acknowledge him.

" Yes Boss. " He grunts, still on the hospital bed I suppose.

" I'm sending you a picture of a girl. I want you here in my office in 12 hours. " I instruct.

" With the girl, Cairo. Unharmed " I further add. I hear back no objection.

Good. I expect complete obedience from my men.

" And unharmed means...unharmed. " I warn, Knowing very well the reputation he carries for dealing with the assigned victims.

I cut the call yet I find my heart dissolving into an endless loop of unease. Not knowing how to deal with such profound emotions, I grab my old friend and chug it down...till I can feel no more.

Once the clock strikes 12, I find my office door creak open. In walks Cairo, alone. That does it for me!

My anger knows no bounds and in a state of sheer fury I end up breaking the object in my hand. The glass of whisky breaks into a million crystals, all falling down on the cold hard tiles but a few remain. Pierced into my palm, leaving a mixture of blood and alcohol all over my hand.

" WHERE THE FUCK IS ELLIE? " I lunge towards him, with murder in my mind. Before I end up slaughtering my right hand man in my drunken state, Ellie slides from behind him. Making her petite frame visible to me. A wave of relief washes over me and my state of vexation finally meets its end.

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