Chapter 22

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" Would you look at that? " Dominic taunts, holding the strip in his hand as I stand in front of him, awaiting my doom.

My petite frame is covered in a mere towel, my body trembles as water droplets fall down to the floor. A wet puddle forms, where I stand. I continue to shiver due to the coldness of the night. Though the cold is not the only reason for my shivering, as my body is also overtaken by immense amount of dread.

" Guess who it is? " He asks in a playful tone. Finding the entire scenario amusing.

He takes in my rigorous quivering, eyeing my trembling state as I continue to look down, refusing to make eye contact. My vulnerable condition only brings him pleasure as he seems to relish in the moment, the playful smirk plastered on his face is proof enough.

How wrong was I to distinguish him from Elijah?  He now seems to be walking on the same path.

" It's Elijah. " He states, making my eyes go wide open. I raise my head, accidentally making eye contact.

Trepidation is evident on my face.

" No. " I whisper, alarmed. My body going into a state of panic.

When it comes to Dominic, I remain unaware of the atrocities he can inflict upon my body. Though Elijah is another telltale for I am far too aware of his menacing ways.

And as humans, we can only fear of what is known for we tend to stay oblivious to the unknown. My mind seems to float in a similar state. Where I refuse to go back to the nightmare.

" Yes. " Dominic confirms for me, my reality. A reality that I'm far too aware of, one that I refuse to live in. So I find myself running away from it, if not physically then maybe mentally.

" I can't let Elijah punish you. " He mumbles out of nowhere, my eyes snap towards him. I look at him with a wary expression, did I hear him right?

Will he spare me from the torture, from Elijah's wrath?

" I mean first I'll have to give him a reason as to why punishment is due. " He adds in, breaking my bubble of rising hope.

With him, something as pure as hope becomes a sin. For he crushes it too cruelly, breaking my heart in the process.

Though to live, I gather those pieces putting them back in their place. Only for them to be tarnished by his merciless gaze, again and again.

" But I suppose you wouldn't like that, would you? " He queries, that awful grin still glued to his face.

He seems to really enjoy the moment as he takes in every minute detail of my fragile body, his eyes seem to be drowning in a sea of lust where as his facial expression gives it all away. He's living in my misery, indulging in every moment of it.

" I wouldn't either, can't let Elijah have all the fun. " He informs, wanting to be a partner in my misery.

Though I sense a hint of possessiveness. A weird sort of possessiveness. Where he wants to be the only one to inflict affliction upon me and the idea of another man doing the very same does not settle well with him.

" What if we make a deal, mouse? " He proposes, putting out yet another demand of his. One I might not be able to fulfill or handle.

For his demands are too atrocious for my body. His intentions remain impure.

" Let's cheat. Let me be the one to inflict sweet torment on that little body of yours and Elijah will never know. " He enunciates, letting me be aware of his sinful thoughts.

He plans to be the only one to take me, in ways that would make me scream in horror. And he refuses to let another be the partaker in such a sinful deed.

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