Author's Note

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How is everyone?

A few days back I was approched by an editor of XYZ app through my mail.

Which is quite weird because I haven't given my mail out on my Instagram profile or even Wattpad.

I've only given my e-mail to platforms I sign with, and they are bound to keep it confidential.

I've also given my mail to some of the authors or readers I talk to.

I use my e-mail for school related work and that is a little personal. If anyone of you have that, please do not share it with any Editor. Just ask them to approch me on my Instagram or Wattpad.

I was a little spooked when the Editor of XYZ app approched me, because I really don't remember putting my e-mail anywhere public.

Lol, so how did the Editor get it? That was a little confusing.

Secondly, a few Muslim authors spoke about Palestine. And a few of them were also attacked by Islamophobic rants. I'm not going to name who did what, so things do not escalate.

But if you do not agree with what an individual has to say, simply ignore it. You do not have to abuse or humiliate someone.

Opinions can clash, you do not need to humiliate someone by insulting their religion.

Let's try to be respectful to each other?

Lastly, a sad news from my side :(
I might not update this Saturday. I will try my best but I can not promise.

My exams are coming, they'll start next week.

If you feel I'm having way too many exams, that's because I have 4 each year. I take each one of them seriously, lol.

But my exams might be online, and if they end up being held online. I will post an update since I can not take online exams seriously.

So there may or may not be an update on Saturday.

Thank you so much for reading my book.

We have crossed 5k views so quickly. We'll reach so much more. A special thanks to impenetrablechaos for helping me improve and pointing out what was wrong in my writing.

The positive criticism helped a lot. Positive criticism is always welcomed by me. But if you come up with a mistake in my story, please also come up with a solution.

A special thanks to all the Readers too. Your comments motivate me to write and no matter where I write and how much I earn, Wattpad has always been my favourite platform because of you guys.

I was wondering though.

Do I have any new readers, or all of you have read my previous books too?

Comment down below.

Old Reader?

New Reader?

- With Love ♥

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