Chapter 20

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With the acceptance of my sins, I find myself out of the water. The waves now no longer act as a cloak leaving me unveiled for the man who has taken me in his embrace.

However, the comfort of human touch does not last for long as I plunge to the rock hard ground. The reality of my position sinking in, now. With the admittance of transgression comes retribution.

How naive was I to find solace in the jury himself.

I glance up to confirm my premonitions, and the look on Dominic's face says enough. In those orbs, I encounter an emotion that is not obscure to me, for I had come face to face with it in the past.

I spot the same animosity that reflects in Elijah's eyes. His eyes are void of humane emotions, empathy being a word unknown to him.

Out of the blue shroud, I now find myself in a coughing fit. Before I can even gather myself I hear his next ruling.

" Stand up. " He decrees, not wanting to lift my fragile frame up.

In any other situation, I wouldn't want his hands all over me but at the moment my body has been drained of all energy. The main focus is to gulp in as much oxygen as I can, being derived for so long.

I fail to fulfil his demand and soon face the consequences of it.

He strides forward, his black derby come in my line of sight and a shrill voice escapes my lips.

" Ahh. " A high pitched voice escapes my lips. The source of this pain is none other than Dominic. He exerts pressure on my finger tips. Crushing them beneath the weight of his soles.

I try pulling back my fingers within the safety of my own body by to avail. My futile effort only occurs me more misery as he refuses to let go and I fail to compete against his strength.

" Pl...please le..let go. " I beg, not able to bear with the pain. I look at him with pleading eyes. My face contorts to a painful expression.

Dominic fails to pay heed to my moans of pain, instead, he lets them be a cheer for his action. Increasing the intensity of his actions and this withdrawing another yelp from my lips.

" Give me one good fucking reason, my little mouse. " He toys with me, enjoying my screams of pain.

They provide him with the pleasure and chaos that he so desperately craved ever since hearing the news of my little attempt to escape.

" Be...because it hu...hurts. " I respond back naively. I pitiful sob escapes my lips.

" It's supposed to. " He grunts, now twisting his sole in a painful manner. If he exerts anymore pressure, he is bound to break my finger.

" Pl...please Dom...dominic. I'm begging you. " I can't help but plead. My stance is quite pathetic, but I find myself with no other choice than to pray for the torture to end.

My fingers are now bruised and red.

" Why should I? " He mocks menacingly, his face portrays the fury he had been withholding. His veins seem to pop out of there anger.

" Ju..just stop. I'll do any...anything. " I shriek in sheer pain. Tears cascade down my eyes and my body is barely functioning.

" That you will my little mouse...with no objections. " He mutters, eyeing me with ill intentions. Well aware of the fact that Elimah has left me at his mercy and now I am his to do as he pleases with no questions asked.

With my parents dead, there is absolutely no one to question them. My heart sinks at my awful reality.

I am met with unfathomable pain before the trauma of sinking could even settle in.

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