Chapter 12

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Elijah's POV

I had to fly to the imminent airport to the hill station. A considerable stock of drugs and ammunition had to be exported from Oizys. I had to meet the patrons and finalize the deal.

One of our heftiest branch offices is located on this particular hill station. We built our penthouse here three years back. So all the essential commodities to sustain a. comfortable life are available.

The penthouse has been a vacation spot since then. The last time we came here was for Christmas.

I'm about to leave for the meeting but a buzzer from my phone halts me. It's Amelia.

" Hello. I heard you're at the hill station! You didn't even tell me. I was informed by Stephen. " She whines.

" Amelia I'll be back soon. And when have you informed me about your trips? " I counter-question.

" I always tell you about my trips! Well, I inform Stephen about it. It's the same thing, right! " She retorts back, a little flustered.

" I get it. I'm not your favorite brother. Isn't that it? " I inquire, faking to be hurt.

" You're all my favorite. " She replies back and that is something we all know.

" Anyway, is there a reason you called? " I question, wanting to perceive if something is wrong.

"I wanted my raincoat back. I left it in the penthouse the last time we came. Do you think you can get it for me? "

" Sure. Where did you leave it? " I ask.

" I don't know that actually. Can you not just search for it? " She begs. I do not like denying her requests but I have a meeting to attend and I wanted to go straight back home after that. It felt right to be at home this time. Maybe because I had a caged bird, that needed my attention. Especially after the stunt, she pulled. Nonetheless, I craved her presence.

" Forget that one. I'll buy you a new one? " I propose.

" Noooo. " She whines again.

" I'll buy you a bunch of new ones? " I try again.

" Noooooooooo. " Sh wails a bit boisterous this time.

" Why is it so important to you? " I question annoyed by her child-like attitude.

"Be..because my boyfriend gifted it to me. " She mutters.

" We haven't allowed you to have a boyfriend yet Amelia. You're still too naive for this. " I endeavor to rationalize. I don't want to be controlling but I worry for her security. She is bound to attract turmoil just because she is our sister.

" Stephen agreed on it. " She chirps quickly.

" As always. " I state rolling my eyes.

" But Dominic and I haven't agreed on that yet. We're your brothers too. " I state.

" Are you getting to get me the raincoat or not? " She asks irked.

" Fine. But I would like to meet this boyfriend of yours when I return. " I groan, not persuaded at all.

" Stephen met him already. He approves of him. So you don't need to worry bro. " She replies and that calms my nerves slightly.

" Fine. I'll get you the raincoat, Amelia. Even though I have no clue where exactly it is and the penthouse is huge. But I'll look for it. " I mumble.

" Thank you! You're the best brother where. I love you. " She yells in sheer excitement.

" Love you too. Stay safe. " I say, cutting the call.

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