Chapter 18

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I walk towards the docks slowly as the night air gently blows over my skin. I sniff as I wrap my arms around my body to try and comfort myself. I can't believe I just did that to Bolin, not only is he going to hate me now, but I probably made him really uncomfortable. I am such a bad person.

I make my way through the city, passing Asami's warehouse to get to the docks and I feel myself freeze. My jaw drops slightly as I see Asami and Mako standing in the doorway kissing. They part and I notice them both freeze when they see me watching them.

"How is it that easy?" I yell in frustration. The two share a look and Asami walks towards me.

"Ulazu, are you okay?" She asks. Mako's eyebrows rise as he approaches me.

"Have you been crying?" Mako asks. I look away from them and I shake my head.

"No." I mutter and I can tell that they don't believe me. Asami and Mako stop next to me and I sigh and turn to them both again.

"What happened? Did you win the tournament?" Mako asks. I nod and I quickly wipe my eye when I feel a tear threaten to fall.

"Yeah, no, I won, the Dragonflies are champions." I reply in a mumble. Tonight I have achieved my dream, I should be happy. And I would be happy if I wasn't an idiot. I should have just asked him before kissing him.

"That's amazing!" Asami says with a smile, but it falls soon falls.

"What's going on?" Mako asks. He places a hand on my shoulder and I sigh again.

"I kissed Bolin." I say quietly and look down at the floor. I notice the two of them grin and share a look.

"Took you both long enough." Asami smiles.

"I knew it was gonna happen soon." Mako chuckles, but both of their smiles drop as they remember that I'm upset. "Wait, why are you upset if you guys kissed?"

"He didn't kiss me back." I mutter.

"Are you sure? Bolin is crazy about you, there's no way." Asami says.

"I'm sure and now he must hate me." I say as my voice shakes. I take a breath and try to give them a smile, but I know that it isn't very convincing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on your trip to the past. I'm going to go." I say as tears begin to well again.

I walk away from the two of them, heading towards the docks. But I soon feel myself stop as I look into the night sky. Do I really want to sit alone on Air Temple Island? I stay still for a moment before turning towards the city instead. I know just the person I want to see.

Bolin's P.O.V.

I bring the cushion to my face and groan loudly as I lie down on the couch. After Ula left I went back home, feeling like the biggest idiot in the world. Why did I let her go without saying anything to her? It all happened so quickly, I just hope that she doesn't hate me now. I groan again, she probably does hate me. I know how hard that must have been for her, and yet I still froze and did nothing. I've ruined everything.

I hear the door open, but I can't bring myself to look up and see who it is. I can't face anyone after what I did.

"Bro, I know we're not really talking right now. But are you okay?" Mako asks. I move the cushion from my face and I look up at the ceiling.

"No, I've been such an idiot." I say sadly.

"I heard what happened. Do you want to talk about it?" Mako says. I immediately sit up and look at him to see the concern in his face.

"What do you mean you heard?" I ask.

"Asami and I saw Ulazu. She told us what happened." He replies. My head falls into my hands as Mako moves towards the couch and sits next to me.

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