8 - Thanks For Everything

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Once Haymitch and Effie left I had already started making plans for our wedding. I stared down at my beautiful diamond ring that sparkled like the sun while I mentally made a checklist of all the many quintessential things that were involved in creating a great wedding.

 "What kind of wedding do you want, Katniss? A small one or big one?" Peeta asked me while he cleaned up the table.
"Something small, but just enough for us." I replied, resting my face in my palm.
"I agree."
"Who do you think you'd want to invite?"
"Definitely Haynitch and Effie."
"Of course," I chuckled, "they're always the first ones on our invitation lists."
"Other than them, maybe Dane from the bakery. Annie, Johanna, a couple others. Your mom."
"Yeah, if she'd come." I laughed out of vexation from the thought of my mother. She brought an uneasy sadness to my heart. It was like we were no longer related. It was as if she was merely some stranger who lived several Districts away. I thought her reclusiveness would come and go after some time after Prim's death, but I clearly misjudged that theory, because Prim's death marked an eternal change in my mother's heart. First her husband died and now her beloved daughter Primrose. That had been the final straw to check her out once and for all. Now the only memory I had of her was in the picture that laid beneath the clothes in my dresser. But not even a single phone call or a letter or anything. In many ways it felt as if she were dead. Many times I told myself she was as a ridiculous way to numb the pain of her stubborn absence, but that only worked from time to time.

"Katniss?" Peeta asked in a concerned voice.
I snapped out of my haunting thoughts and looked up at Peeta. "Sorry, I was just thinking."
Peeta laughed, "More like musing."
I looked down at my ring and suddenly became mesmerized by it all over again. "How did you have enough money to buy this and everything else you've bought?"
"The bakery." Peeta replied.
"But how?"
"Well since I'm the manager for the bakery, I get paid a lot for it. And because it's always busy being the fact that it's the only bakery in Twelve, the income is really great."

I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "You know, I don't think I'll be able to thank you enough. . . Seriously, you've really outdone yourself with this gorgeous ring."
Peeta smiled and shrugged, "I wish I could have bought a bigger diamond for you--"
"Peeta don't you dare say that," I scolded, "this is all that I wanted and way, way more."
"You're right, besides there's always the wedding ring." He winked, and then gestured towards the bedroom. "We should get some sleep and then tomorrow we'll discuss the plans, okay?"
I smiled, "Okay."

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