38 - The Interview

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The sudden ring of the doorbell pierced through my dreams. I shot up in bed, looking to the alarm clock in panic--today was the interview, and I was already unprepared. I heard Peeta answer the door, followed by Effie's squeaky, effusive tone.
I quickly rolled out of bed, covered myself in my robe, tucked some loose strands of hair behind my ear, and splashed my face with cold water.

"Katniss, Dear!" Effie shouted, wrapping arms around me and pulling me in. I was blasted with the scent of her expensive floral perfume.
"Hi, Effie." I smiled--fake smiled. Grogginess accompanied with Effie did not mix well, besides I've never been a morning person.
Just then Octavia and Flavius walked into our house, smiling widely. I hadn't seen them in many years, and they somehow looked the same. Capital plastic surgery was a miracle worker.
"Katniss!" Octavia hugged me, "Oh Katniss, so good to see you."
"It's good to see you, too."
Then Flavius joined us. "Miss me? You look beautiful by the way."

I hugged him back, restraining from rolling my eyes. I never considered myself beautiful in the morning of all times.
"Where are the children?" Octavia asked curiously.
"One second," I walked to Willow's room where they sat playing card games, "Willow, Rye--come out, I have some friends to introduce you to."
They unwillingly came out; Rye ran up to them, Willow waved shyly.
"They are so much older!" Flavius said, appalled.
"How adorable!" Octavia added.

Peeta and I quickly changed into the outfits that Flavius handed us. We both wore black; Peeta a black suit, and myself a black strapless dress. The fabric was too good to come from anywhere else but the Capital.
Immediately after, Peeta dressed Rye and I dressed Willow. They wore black too. Rye was an identical version of Peeta in that suit. Then I wrapped Willow's hair into a beautiful crown braid; Peeta brushed gel through Rye's curls. Now it was time for our hair.

"Would you like any particular type of style?" Octavia asked me while I sat in the styling chair that she conveniently set up.
"Anything pulled up."
I sat there watching the cameramen and women invade our house, lugging cameras and speakers behind them, instructing where to place the microphones and lighting props.
"All done!" Octavia handed me a mirror just then. I took it in my hands, curious to see the style that she had so quickly created. It was a beautiful fish tail. "It's wonderful, thank you."

For makeup, Octavia blended out a smoky creased eyeshadow on my eyelids and coated my eyelashes in dark brown mascara. It was dramatic, but beautiful. Looking that good in the morning had been an impossible idea to me until then.
"Now you have wonderful makeup to match your wonderful ensemble." Octavia smiled widely, brushing the tips of my baby hairs upwards. "All finished. Are you ready for your interview?"
I sighed loudly. "I guess I have to be."
"I can't wait for the people to see your glamorous face, Dear!"
"Hey, Beautiful." Peeta came up behind me, spooking Octavia and I.
"Hey, Handsome." His face had been lightly touched up with concealer.

"You look really beautiful, Katniss."
"Octavia is all to blame. I can't take the credit."
Octavia blushed, "Well, Kat--"
"Five minutes, people!" Effie chimed in, "Let's get seated outside, you two."
We nodded, following her direction.

Rye and Willow were already outside, sitting on the bench, playing hands games. We sat down beside them as instructed by Effie and the impatient camera crew. My nerves fluttered and I sucked in a breath. It was intimidating to be in front of the huge, black, dilating eye of the camera.
Rye huffed as the cameramen fed us instructions. "I wish this would be over, Mommy."
I chuckled inside. Like mother, like son. "It'll be quick, don't worry."

"Okay, before we start I just want to warn you all," the cameraman explained, "this is live. Whatever is said, is said and everybody hears it. Talk naturally and be comfortable. Now for the little ones, Willow, Rye, you have an important job, okay?"
They nodded.
"Don't answer a question unless it is directed to you, okay?"
Another silent nod.
My heart pounded inside as Effie announced we had only one short minute before going live. Peeta held my hand, sensing my fear. His touch always calmed me though. "It's okay, Katniss. You have us."

I took in a deep breath as the cameraman began counting down. "On air in 5, 4, 3, 2," then he silently mouthed 'one,' pointing his finger in our direction.
Peeta cleared his throat, going into charming-TV-mode-Peeta. "Hello and welcome, this is me Peeta, my wife Katniss, and my two kids Willow, and Rye"
I gave a little wave, smiling as I did so. Then the male interviewer from behind the cameras began to ask us questions. "Hello everyone, and thank you for that introduction, Peeta. So Katniss, how are you and your family doing?"

I exchanged a quick glance at Peeta, and then focused at the camera, "Great--we're great." It was sadly all that I could muster.
"Okay," the interviewer smiled awkwardly. "Next question, how are the kids? Any trouble with the nightmares and flashbacks?"
I could feel the energy of Peeta beside me; he began to tense up.
"Sometimes we have them," I replied for Peeta, "but they don't last long--we're always be able to work it out."

"Is it difficult, being a mother and all?" The interviewer then asked me. A fake smile on his face, mirroring mine.
"No, well, everything has its ups and downs, but for the most part it's the best thing I could have asked for."
"Alright. Willow, I'm sure you and your parents love each other a lot, don't they?"
Willow nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, they are the best!"
Peeta draped an arm around her and chuckled proudly.
"And what about you, Rye? Do you think so too?"
Rye smiled brightly, "Of course! Best parents ever."

The interviewer chuckled lightly, diverting his attention to Peeta and I. "How is it in district 12, Katniss?"
"Things are looking up. . . It's no Capital, but it's improving."
"And you Peeta?"
"Everything is so much more restored, but still peaceful and beautiful. They just installed lights in the streets, so there's no more stumbling around in the pitch blackness."
The interviewer laughed, nodded along with Peeta. "That must help."
"It sure does."

The interviewer then clapped his hands together in a satisfactory manner and bowed his head at us all. "Well, that wraps up the interview. Thank you all, you have been very kind--" then he turned towards the side camera--"My name is Cyan Signor, reporting to you from Capital News, and you have just watched the interview of the Star-Crossed Lovers and their children--thank you all so much for viewing, and remember, feedback is always much appreciated. Goodbye, and good day."
"And. . . Cut." The cameraman signaled.
I let out an audible sigh and uncrossed my legs. Thank God it was over.

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