11 - Unexpected News

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I was filled with vertigo as I pushed myself into a sitting position in bed. The sun had just started to come up. The room began to dance and my stomach began to boil. It didn't take long for me to realize that I was going to be sick.
I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Then threw up some more. It wouldn't stop.
"Katniss, are you okay?" Apparently I had woke Peeta up, and he followed me into the bathroom.
"Maybe it's the stomach flu?" I replied. I buried my face in my hands. It was way too early for this.
"Well, it could be serious. We should go to the doctors." 
I gagged. "No way. I hate it there."
"Katniss you're sick, we need to go." Peeta said once more.
"But the hospital is in Eleven and what if the train doesn't arrive in time?"
"It'll arrive. We just better get going." Peeta stooped down and scanned over m, "You look as pale as a ghost."
"You sound like my mom."

"Okay, well the train should be coming soon. You'll be okay, right?" Peeta asked me as we sat together at the empty train station. I used 'empty' loosely since there were a few cameramen who snapped pictures of us sitting there. Within minutes those pictures would probably be uploaded onto the news. Great.
"Yeah. I will." I replied.   
Although my stomach did began to act up once we got onto the less than pleasant, bumpy train. Thankfully it was a quick train ride until we arrived at the crowded hospital.

Once we stepped into the hospital lobby, people who were waiting there immediately started pointing and whispering furiously. I groaned as people began to call our names as a way to get us to sign our autographs like some movie stars. Like some famous actors who chose to be in the limelight.  Peeta and I, our choice in fame was unacknowledged, but of course they didn't care about that. 
We walked up to the front of the counter. The hospital receptionist undoubtedly recognized us. "Mr. and Mrs. Mellark, how may I assist you today?"
"I need a doctor for my wife. She's been throwing up."
"Alright," the receptionist typed a few things then looked up at us, "we'll have a doctor for you right away."
All of a sudden, an old jolly man walked out and smiled at us. "Hello, I am Doctor Miller. Follow me."

Peeta and I followed him into his office and began interrogating me with questions like "Have you eaten anything expired, consumed any poison, taken any drugs?" Which I all answered with a 'no'.
"Will she be okay?" Peeta asked. 
"Yes I think so." The doctor scratched his head in thought. "Mrs. Mellark, is it okay with you if we run a test on yourself? It's nothing bad."
I looked at Peeta and he told me I should, so I did.

Doctor Miller took a swab saliva from my mouth and then quickly walked out of the office. 
Peeta and I sat together and waited. Within ten minutes, Doctor Miller showed up. There was an interesting smile on his face. 
"So what's wrong?" Peeta asked. 
"Oh, nothing's wrong." The doctor chuckled. "It was just the typical case of morning sickness." 
Wait. . . I look at Peeta and he looks at me. The anticipation hanging in our eyes. 
"Congratulations," Doctor Miller says, "you're pregnant, Mrs. Mellark."
Peeta gasped. I nearly threw up all over again. 

That day I walked out of the hospital in shock. Peeta wrapped his arms around me as we walked back to the station. Tears began to roll down his cheeks. I hugged him, all I could do was hug him. 
Peeta released me from the hug and looked me in the eyes. "Katniss, you're going to be a mom!"
I nodded. I was happy and horrified at the same time. "Peeta is this real?"
"I know!" 
I gripped harder onto his arm. "No, I mean is this actually real?"
"Yeah," Peeta's ecstatic eyes lowered, "what's wrong?"
"P-Peeta. . . I'm not ready." Confused tears stung my eyes.
"What? But you said that you agreed to have children."
I swallowed. "I know but, I just didn't expect this. . . Not this soon. I mean it's only been two months since the wedding."
Peeta studied my eyes again. "Well, but, you are happy, right?"
I nodded and gave Peeta a kiss on his cheek. "Yea I am. It's a little shocking is all."
Peeta smiled and kissed me back, "You are going to be a great mother."

The Everlark Family: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now