10 - The Big Day

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It was almost unearthly how quickly January twenty-second came. Before I know it, it was time to get ready for our wedding.
Effie brought my dress and the bridesmaids dresses over to our house. Peeta and his groomsmen were at Haymitch's.
I sat impatiently for hours getting my hair and makeup done while my mind pulsed with thoughts of Peeta. He would look stunningly sexy, I knew that for sure. 

Octavia, one of Effie's makeup artists, braided my hair into one large braid, then she wrapped it into a high bun. There was beautiful white ribbon intwined in my braided bun. It was beautiful.
Then Octavia put some mascara on,  a soft pink blush, and some pearlescent shimmering eyeshadow on my eyelids. To finish the look she added a light pink lipgloss and some wonderful smelling perfume.  "When Peeta smells this perfume," Octavia laughed, "he'll never be able to get enough of you."
Effie cackled and I cracked a smile. I could feel that my nerves were creeping onto me. 

Once my arms and chest were rubbed with shimmering body oil, I was given my dress to put on. It was the one I wore in the Quarter Quell. I chose that dress simply because it was beautiful and because I had only worn it one time. Another aspect was a tribute to Cinna. Such an extravagant dress deserved to be worn for an extravagant occasion. 
"Cinna would be so proud Katniss," Effie said, "you're so beautiful I might just cry."  
I turned to look in the mirror at my entire ensemble. My skin sparkled and my hair looked marvelous. In that moment, I realized that I was beautiful. 
"Tissue, please!" Effie suddenly shouted to her makeup artists as she broke into tears. I laughed. 

One of my bridesmaids, Annie Odair, came up to me and spoke in her soft voice, "Peeta is very lucky to be with you. I wish Finnick were here. He would be so happy for you two."
It was insane how Finnick had been gone for nearly seventeen years. Annie remarried years ago, but in her eyes, I could still only see the love she had for Finnick.  
"Thank you so much, Annie." I smiled and she smiled back. 
"Alright, Katniss Dear, it's time to walk outside." Effie announced. Butterflies danced in my stomach. 

Us woman had walked over to the waterfall were the audience was seated in chairs. Delly, my other bridesmaid, and Annie walked up front to be with the Peeta and his groomsmen. I was too far back to get a detailed look at him, although I was right when I said he would look stunningly sexy.
"I'll be in the audience, Katniss." Effie kissed me on the cheek and walked off. I stood there with the awful desire to bite at my fingernails out of anticipation. Then Haymitch walked up to me and raised his eyebrows. "Are you ready, Sweetheart?"
I nodded and took in a deep breath. "Any last advice?"
Haymitch smiled, "Don't mess up the kiss."

Haymitch would be walking me down the grassy isle since he was the only living "father" figure I have. I exhaled and watched as the first bridesmaid, Delly, walked down with Dane. I slowly skimmed over the very small audience. My mother didn't show. I expected that, it was a typical move of her, and it hurt.

Effie signaled us to start walking after the last groomsman and bridesmaid walked down the isle. I gripped onto Haymitch's arm. My heart began to race. Calm down, calm down. 
"Smile," Haymitch whispered into my ear. I gradually did, though it was difficult because of my raging nerves. Especially when I looked into the paparazzi's cameras. I despised the fact they were there, but there was little I could do to stop them.
My thoughts of the paparazzi were replaced by Peeta's handsomeness. He was wearing a white tuxedo and white pants. His hair loosely slicked back. I know he was just as nervous as I was.
As I met Peeta at the front, right against the waterfall, I stared into his vibrant blue eyes. His lips quivered, and mine slightly did too. He looked so happy, so amazed at my beauty that it made me blush.

The minister began to recite our vows to each other. Peeta said "I do" and I said "I do" when was our time.
Then the minister finished with the famous closing line, "You may now kiss the bride."
Peeta glanced into my eyes, tears glistening in his eyes, he leaned into me and we kissed. Our kiss growing bigger and bigger. That sweet taste of love. The romance and energy. I wish we could kiss like that forever.
"You look," Peeta paused, "you look beautiful, just beautiful."
"And you, Peeta,  you are so handsome."
The audience clapped in a great applaud of joy. I turned to see Effie practically sobbing in the front row. 

After the cameras bombarded us with interviews, Peeta and I sneak off while the guests drink and eat. 
"I feel more real." I said as we walked alone. 
"What do you mean, Katniss?" Peeta asked me softly.
"Well, our love was always real, but I guess I just feel.. more real."
"I understand, I do too." Peeta smiled. "Hey, how about we dance?"
"You know me and my dancing talents--" 
"I won't take no for an answer." Peeta said as he pulled me in tight, wrapping his strong hands around my waist. We waltzed around a bed of flowers along the snowy ground.  
I laid my head on his shoulders while he waltzed, getting lost in him. In every part of him. Just thinking about kids and raising them. Suddenly I have the urge for a family, like what he had said all along.
"I love you," Peeta whispered. 
"I love you too." I meant it more than I ever had in my whole life. 
"We should probably get back to the guests now." 
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go back."

Effie turned around as we walked up to her and offered us a warm hug.  "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Mellark!"
"Thank you!" Peeta and I hug her back.
"You are going to be a very happy couple!"
"Thanks Effie." I smiled. 
Tears began to fill Effie's eyes, "Everything here is wonderful. Absolutely splendid." She gestured to the table filled with sweets. 

The table really was splendid--full of with cookies, whoopie pies, vanilla ice cream, muffins, donuts, and the best one of all, the cake. Peeta's classic strawberry cream swirl, covered in decadent chocolate cream, with white chocolate shavings and a bride and groom on the very top. Talk about fantastic.
Peeta began to cut the cake into pieces for everyone. "I'd like to say a toast." He announced while the guests started to eat the amazing cake.
All of our eyes fell on Peeta as he cleared his throat, "I fell in love with this beautiful person Katniss. I couldn't imagine what I would do without you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life right beside you Katniss Mellark!" Peeta smiled, looking directly into my warm gray eyes. 
The guests applauded. 

Before the very end of the wedding reception, Peeta and I share another romantic kiss representing the ceaseless love for each other that will live on for the rest of our lives. Forever and ever. 

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