32 - Inside The Capitol

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"Attention, Passengers: we will be arriving at the Capitol in ten minutes. Please be prepared to disembark the train." The same robotic female voice alerted Peeta and I while we packed up our remaining items. 
It was crazy to think that we had traveled across Panem in just two days, and now, we were at our destination: the Capitol. I never, in my sane mind, thought that I would willingly travel to that place, but there had been so much talk of its beautiful renovation that I would have to see for myself.  

When the trains wide, elevator-like doors slid open, Peeta and I stepped out into the oddly beautiful Capitol. I gasped, breathing in the crisp air. People swarmed around us. Not just your average person, but a Capitolized person. Extravagant hairstyles, pinned up in several different directions. Women wore bright neon shades of purple and yellow lipsticks, winged eyeliner, and extremely short dresses, showing off their shinny legs. Men wore vibrantly colored tuxedos and suits, with ties of all shapes and sizes. Thankfully, not everyone dressed like that--only the true "Capitolists" who sought to remember the old trends of the Capitol before it was brought down.

 "Look at all those skyscrapers!" Peeta exclaimed, pointing every which way. 
"Everything here is so much more colorful than I remember it." I said, taking it all in. Not one building around us was white--every building was exuberantly colored.
There was a strong breeze that whipped around our hair. The loud sounds of trains zooming by, people laughing and talking cheerfully, it all filled our senses.
"Okay, we're staying at the Luxurious Haven, right? I wonder how we get there."
"Let's find someone to ask." I suggested.  
"Probably our best option. Stay here."

Peeta walked up to a random man who oddly resembled Caesar Flickerman. I watched as the man pointed towards two pink skyscrapers off in the distance around three miles away. So we ended up walking the distance, crossing several busy streets, bustling with huge crowds, bigger than any I had seen before. My anxiety began to come on full force when rowdy fans started screaming our names in the streets. Cameras followed shortly after, but we both expected that.

Up front the Luxurious Haven sure was luxurious, like some turquoise palace. Inside a silvery shimmery floor awaited us. Gold walls shone when we walked in, animal skin mats were thrown throughout the floor. The receptionists were dressed in masquerades ball gowns and masks. 
Why am I not surprised?
"I feel so underdressed." Peeta whispered in my ear.
"You?  Me. I'm always the underdressed one here." I loudly whispered in response. 

"Peeta and Katniss! Why, hello!"
I deeply wanted to roll my eyes. Everyone was so direct it was perturbing.  
Peeta smiled. "Is our room ready?" 
"Absolutely! I'll show you to your room!" The woman receptionist said with an over-the-top smile, gesturing to follow her and we do.

Inside our room was a pop of blue and gold. A golden chandelier hung above the royal blue master bed. Over the top was an understatement. This was extremely over the top, in a good way. In almost too good of a way. 

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