16 - She's Here

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The train dropped us off at the hospital. By then I was already getting hit with painful contractions, but I held in the pain for the sake of not wanting to stress out Peeta more than he already was.
The hospital line was lengthy and time-consuming. Too time-consuming. Luckily, we didn't need to stay in it. The nurses and hospital authorities came running up to us after noticing me clutching onto my stomach in pain.  "We'll get you a room right away!" One of the nurses said, then she disappeared behind the counter, and soon after she came back and led us back to a room that was a couple floors up in the maternity unit.

I dressed into the gown that the nurse gave me. By doing that, the pain increased even more than I needed it to.
"Are you okay, Katniss?" Peeta's eyes are worried. I'm worried too.
"I wish I could say yes." I said as I groaned and uncomfortably laid down on the bed. The nurses started to hook me up to this machine. Contractions jabbed at me all the while. I dug my nails into the bed. Peeta sensed my pain. 
 "This is such a painful contraction." I said as I tensed my jaw.
Peeta rubbed my hand to console me. "Just breathe like the doctor tells you, okay?"
I nodded and arched my back. I clutched onto his hand and squeezed it. Hard. The contraction finally died down. The nurse came in to check my contractions. "Probably just a few more Katniss. Then you'll be fully dilated."
I nodded and savored the moment without any contractions. "Peeta?"
"Yes, honey?"
"Can you get me some water please?"
"Yeah, sure I'll be right back." 
I tried to show a smile as Peeta walked out.

Just as Peeta left, the doctor walked in. The doctor was a female in her late thirties. 
"Hello, Mrs. Mellark." She smiled.
"You can just call me Katniss."
She smiled. "Alright. So Katniss, have you had any problems with the pregnancy?"
I shook my head. "Not that I know of."
She didn't respond as she walked to the nurses. I couldn't make out what she mumbled to them. I just rested my head on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling. Peeta walked in. I lifted my head off the pillow and smiled at Peeta. 
"Thank you, Peeta." I smiled and took a delicate sip of the water.
Peeta smiled. "No problem, beautiful."
My smile suddenly faded. "Peeta, I'm not ready for this. . . I'm scared"
Peeta took my hand, looking into my eyes, "Don't be scared. I'm right here. I'll be here the whole time, you won't have to worry. Just follow the breathing exercises, and you'll make it through this. Alright?"

I nodded, but deep down inside I was even more scared than I ever thought I would be.  The doctor walked up to be, plastic gloves covering her hands. "Okay Katniss. You are almost dilated. You will be getting some more strong contractions, alright?"
 I exhaled and rolled my eyes. "I love those."
And just as she said, I'm hit with pain and more pain. It's almost too much. Then within another ten minutes, the doctor told me I was fully dilated. Time for the fun. 

Peeta pulled up a chair and sat right beside me. 
"Okay, push Katniss." The doctor instructed.
So I did, even though my ribs felt shattered. I cried out in pain, squeezing Peeta's hand. "Oh God. Peeta!"
"I'm here, I'm here" Peeta comforts.
"Keep it up, Katniss." The doctor said. I pushed a little harder, but it easily became too painful. The doctor stopped and turned to the nurses. "Could you get the epidural?"
The nurse nodded and walked away, only to return with a syringe in her hand. What now?
"What's that?" I asked demandingly.
"It's a pain reliever. It'll help you." The nurse answered, then she injected me with it. My lower half suddenly grew completely numb.
"Okay, now keep pushing."

Although the medicine did help, I was still in pain. I pushed and pushed. Peeta stroked my sweaty hair. "You can do this," he encouraged.
I grasped onto Peeta's hand as if it was my lifeline. "Peeta, I can't do this. I just can't."
Peeta grabbed my face. "Hey, Katniss, remember you are so strong. Don't give into it. It'll be alright."
"Katniss, if we don't get this baby out, I'll have to preform a c-section on you." The doctor said.
I nodded and panted, hot and sweaty and miserable. Peeta put a wet cloth on my head.
"Katniss keep pushing! The baby is almost out."
I yowled, throwing my head back. That one last painful push pays off. I gasped as my crying suddenly stopped, and a newborns cry filled the delivery room. The doctor held her up and handed her to the nurses. Peeta leaned in to hug me.
"Katniss! Honey, you did it!" A tear rolled down his cheeks as he kissed me.

The nurse brought Willow over to us. She was bundled in a pink blanket. The nurse set her in my arms. I covered my mouth as my hand began to tremble. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them even if I tried. "P-Peeta look. She's wonderful." 
 Peeta nodded. He was so in love with Willow he could barely speak. I touched her soft rosy cheeks. And I finally knew why Peeta wanted a child. This was all worth it. 
"Welcome to this brave world, my little Willow." I said as I drew her close to my face, kissing her forehead.
Her eyes fluttered open and I marvel at them. It was if I was looking at Peeta's for a split second. "Peeta, look, your eyes!"
"Katniss, she's beautiful!" Peeta touched her soft little fingers. Her finger curled around his. "I love you, little Willow."

Seeing Peeta's face like that was priceless. His smile was so overwhelming, and his face was lit up like the sun.
I handed Willow to Peeta. "Here, someone wants to meet her father." 
Peeta gingerly took her in his arms and began to rock her. Tears built up in his eyes as he got lost in her. and every part of her. The longing Peeta had fifteen years ago. It was gone; because now, his own newborn daughter was in his arms.

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