13 - Baby Shower

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I could not believe that eight months had elapsed. I would never have believed that my stomach could have grown as big as it did. It blew my mind. Peeta and I had recently started to paint Willow's bedroom. 'Peeta and I' meaning mostly Peeta did all the painting. I just handed him brushes. But it turned out to be such a beautiful painting on her wall; Peeta painted the meadow on it with a waterfall and birds and several animals. It was finished just in time before the baby shower.

Peeta had also made pink posters that said "It's a girl" with bows drawn onto it. He also made egg and ham casseroles, breakfast potatoes, and muffins. It all looked delightful. 
Our guests, Haymitch and Effie had come and it was time to start off the baby shower. 
"I would like to say a toast," Peeta cleared his throat, "I would just like to simply say thanks to Katniss, me beloved wife, and friend. Thank you for giving me my dream, for giving me a soon-to-be family.  To this little girl who will be born soon, and to our future family."
"Cheers!" We all said as we held up our champagne glasses. Of course I didn't partake in the champagne. Instead I had tea. 

As we began to eat, I felt the baby kicking around in my stomach. "Effie," I grabbed her hand and set it on my stomach, "feel this. It's crazy."
Effie shrieked in surprise. "Oh my goodness! What a wonderful feeling. Oh! I can't wait to see her Katniss."
"I can't either."
"Hey, how about you open your gifts now Katniss?" Peeta asked.

I nodded and Effie clapped. "Oh yes, finally the gifts!"
She practically begged me to open hers first, so I agreed and she handed me the Capitol-wrapped box. Inside was a perfectly folded blush pink blanket. It was as softer than velvet. There was even a teddy bear attached to it. Willow would love that.

Haymitch's was next. He got Willow a silk bonnet and a small silk dress to match it. 
"Thank you, Haymitch. This is so pretty."
"Of course, Sweetheart."
After I set down Haymitch's gift, Peeta handed me a white envelope and package. "This is from your mom. I told her about the baby shower a little while ago and she sent a little something."
"That's nice of her, thanks." I opened the envelope. I was genuinely taken aback by my mother. This card was one of the first communication we had in a very long time.   
                 Dear Katniss, I wish I could be here today with you and Peeta, but unfortunately the         
hospital needed me. Hope you enjoy the gift, and hopefully the baby will too."
I set the card aside and opened the package. Inside were a pair of small fur boots. They were warm as could be and made so beautifully.  "I have to thank her for these." I said as I showed them to everyone. 

"Okay, Lover Boy, your gift is next." Haymitch nodded at Peeta. 
"Oh I can't wait to see this one!" Effie added.
"Wait hold on, Katniss." Peeta said as Haymitch and him got up and walked away. When they came back, they were helping each other hold a wooden baby crib. 
"Oh my gosh Peeta," I exclaimed and stood up to walk and see it up close, "did you make this?"
Peeta nodded and they slowly set it down. "Yep, a hundred percent white oak wood. I hope you like it."
"I love it! It's great."
 A light pink mattress outlined with tool was sitting comfortably inside. A fluffy pink pillow with a little note that had the 'deep in the meadow' lyrics. It even had a little canopy that draped over the whole crib!
"How do you always do this!"
"Do what?" Peeta asked.
"Give me the greatest things." I said as I kissed him all over.

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