41 - Christmas Already

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Seasons had passed, and now it was winter. Even more importantly, it was Christmas day.
Peeta and I practically stayed up all night wrapping Willow and Rye's presents under the lit Christmas tree that we had surprised the children with. It was a Douglass Fir with more branches and needles than I had ever witnessed. But it was beautiful and lively. With the festooned lights and popcorn, it glowed. And with the ornaments it dazzled. It was perfect to say the least. And it would make a wonderful Christmas.

I opened my eyes and awaked to Peeta who was pulling the window curtains apart, revealing the bright stark whiteness of snow beyond the frozen windowsill. 
"I can't believe it's Christmas already." I said, pushing myself up into a sitting position. 
Peeta nodded. "I can't wait to see the looks on the kid's faces when they open their presents."
Peeta walked towards the bed and pulled me close. "Merry Christmas, Love." The softness of his lips and the beauty of his eyes entranced me. "Merry Christmas, Peeta. I love you."
The kids were already out by the tree, fumbling around with the presents, shaking them with ears pressed tightly against the boxes. They instantly ran to us once Peeta and I peaked around the corner.
"Dad, did you see what Santa brought!" Rye exclaimed excitedly. "I don't think I can wait!"
"Can we open them now?" Willow clutched onto Peeta's legs. "Please."
"I think Santa would like if you had breakfast first, hm?" 
Rye huffed. "Okay, fine."

Peeta saved a fresh loaf of moist fruitcake for the kids to munch on, which they did, like a pack of hungry lions. They rapidly gulped down their chocolate milk, and then competed on who could sprint to the tree the fastest. Now it was time for wrapping paper to go flying.
"Can I go first?" Rye asked. 
"No, I'm oldest, I go first." Willow bickered.
Peeta nodded, "Willow's right. You can go first, Will."
Rye sucked his teeth, "Ah, man. No fair."
Willow mindfully unwrapped the paper from the box, preserving it as best as she could. 
"Hurry up already." Rye rolled his eyes.
"Rye, be patient." I scolded. Rye sulked even more. 
Willow gasped in surprise, holding her present tightly in both hands. "Hunting boots! Oh, Mommy, I love them so much!"
A genuine smile was brought to my face. "I thought you would."
"My turn!"Rye shouted, eagerly reaching for the striped present. He began ripping at the paper viciously. 

"Toy cars!" Rye smiled joyfully, "Thank you!"
Next Willow opened her gift which was a rolling pin to create her own pastries with Peeta.   
Rye opened another, which left him flabbergasted.
"Mommy! Bow and arrows!" He said ecstatically, running up to hug me. "But I thought I was too young to hunt."
"If you want to succeed at something, then you should start early. Age is no limit." I smiled, returning his bear-hug.
"When can I start practicing?" 
"When the snow melts" I replied.
"That's so far away, though."
"Well, there's no game now, it's too cold."  

Last was Willow's present. It was a beautiful fabric doll with blonde yarn hair. 
"She's so pretty, Mommy!"  
"What are you going to name her?" I asked, admiring the sparkle in her eyes as she held her doll. 
"Prim, because she's pretty like Aunt Prim. She has blonde hair like her, and because I wish Aunt Prim was here to be with us."
My smile shortened. I wished more then anything that Prim could be here too. "That's a beautiful thing to say. Aunt Prim's smiling now."
I studied the little doll, noticing how the its shirt stuck out from the skirt. You forgot to tuck in your tail, little duck.

Soon all the presents were opened, and all the Christmas cookies were eaten, and the snow had fallen. Fire crackled, spitting out small embers. The children sat around the Christmas tree playing with their new toys. It had been a successful Christmas.  

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