34 - Effie's

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After an exhausting night, both of us packed our bags, said goodbye to our overly extravagant room, and quickly left after eating malted caramel French toast from room service.
We swiftly pushed past three paparazzi who were nice enough to let us pass by without inquiring questions.
Once we arrived at the lobby, that same receptionist greeted us. Of course, once the mob saw us they rushed in the through the doors. I squeezed Peeta's hand in nervousness. 

This time the receptionist was wearing a neon yellow dress. I wanted to throw up looking at the hideous thing.
"Cancel the reservation please, we're leaving now." Peeta said, handing her three hundred dollar bills. "And keep the change."
"Oh. . . Okay. Thank you for staying!" She seemed disappointed, though she had to reason to be.
We promptly left, not saying one word to the nosey crowd as we passed them, exited the building, and made our way to the express train station.

This train was different from the one that took us to the Capitol--it was meant solely for transportation from block to block around the huge city. It was sleeker, narrower, and somehow faster. Wide glass windows extended across the entire length of the train. 
I was too flustered about the whole subject of the paparazzi to even talk while we sat in the fast-moving train. I just stared out the window while Peeta held my hand.  

The train came to a stop in one of the quaint suburbs of the Capitol. Expensive houses were evenly placed in perfect distance from each other. Peeta looked at the directions to Effie's house that he wrote on a piece of paper. "I think this is our stop. Yep, this is us."
We walked down one pleasant street of three-story homes and then made a right on 'Homestead Blvd'. Peeta stopped in front of a giant coral pink house and scanned the paper in his hand. "This is it." 
"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked.
Peeta read off the numbers of the address to reassure himself. "Absolutely."

We walked to her door, taking in the pristine house. The door was a lilac purple and the windows had a light blue tint to it. Yes, this place definitely belonged to Effie.
Peeta knocked on the lilac door, and within seconds it swung open. Effie shrieked in happiness. She wore a light purple dress and fuchsia slippers with no makeup. "Hello, hello, hello!"
She hugged us before we could say a thing, welcoming us like we were her children.
"Sorry about all this," she pointed to her face, "I didn't feel like wearing anything today. Well, come in! Join me!"
Effie's house was a blast of beautiful colors and patterns. Everything polished and pretty, nothing out of place; color-coordinated.
"Wow, Effie this is some place you have here." Peeta said. 
"Yes, it's gorgeous, Effie. So many colors."
Effie clapped her hands together in a pleased manner. "You can never have enough colors! Well, it's time for a tour! Come on, follow me."

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