20 - Willow

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Peeta had been right. We were overcoming the effects of the Games, and we would continue to overcome them for the rest of our lives. We had overcame three years worth as it was. Three long, but great years with Willow. Teaching her, reading to her, loving her, being there for her. 
She had started to speak whole sentences at the age of two, and when she turned three, she could easily speak them.   
Peeta would teach her to bake on his days off. He would guide her little hands as she mixed the bowl. It was the sweetest thing when her chubby, delicate little hands would mix the bowls full of pancake batter. Sometimes he would even take her to the bakery. In his eyes and in his soul, he had never been happier than when he was with Willow. 
In the mornings, I would braid her silky chestnut brown hair in several different braids. And in the night, I would tuck her into bed and sing the 'Deep in The Meadow' song. 

Peeta and I had been begged several times to do an interview with Willow, and we did. We had to. The fear of bringing her into the spotlight was hard to overcome, but we managed. She hated it, and hated us for putting her through that, but we reminded her that was just life. She would get used to it. When she would go with Peeta to the bakery, she would have to accept the fact that cameras would follow her around. 
Many times Willow would ask us why Peeta would leave the room, or why I would wake up screaming. Why we would talk about nightmares. Why we would cry the way we did. There were so many questions we had to create some ridiculous excuse for, or try to dismiss it in a joking way, even there was nothing to joke about. 
"It's just an adult problem, Sweetie. Don't worry about it." Peeta and I would tell her. It was an awful excuse, but it was the only plausible one we could think of. 

We spent one afternoon at a restaurant that had been newly built in Twelve. Many things had been newly built in Twelve and it was starting to populate like never imagined.
As us three sat there, I couldn't help but notice all the people sneaking glances at us, photographing us. I wish I could crush those cameras into bits.
"We must be so famous." Willow said as she sipped her juice. 
"We are, but it's not all that bad, right?" Peeta asked her.
I just sat in annoyed silence. I was annoyed at everyone in the moment. No one had the decency to respect us enough to put their cameras down.  

"Katniss." Peeta cleared his throat. I widened my eyes and looked at him in question. 
"Willow's been calling you."
Oh. I'm so annoyed I can't even hear my own child. "Yes, Willow? I'm sorry, Mommy is a little sidetracked."
"How was your lunch?"
"Great." I smiled. It was alright. 
Just then the waitress came by. "May I get you some more juice, Miss Mellark?" 
"No, Willow is fine, thank you." There was spite in my voice. Even Peeta could tell. 
The waitress walked away awkwardly. 
"Katniss," Peeta raised his eyebrows as an attempt to scold me. 
"Everyone just treats us like royalty," I whispered to Peeta, "it's antagonizing."
Peeta sat back and huffed. 

"Hey, Sweetheart, having some lunch too, I see." 
I could recognize that voice from anywhere. 
"Haymitch?" I turned to see him and instantly stood up to hug him. 
Peeta stood up too. "We haven't seen you since the baby shower. It's almost like you disappeared."
"Oh, well, I've been over at the Capitol for some time. You know, visiting with Effie and all that--" 
"Daddy, who is that?" Willow interrupted. 
"This is Uncle Haymitch, say hi!" Peeta replied picking Willow up. 
Haymitch looked stunned. "No way--this is your daughter? I saw her all over the news when she was an infant, but now."
 "Yeah, they sure do grow fast don't they?"
"Yes, I'll be damned--" Haymitch suddenly caught himself, "hello, Sweetheart." 
"Hello, Uncle Haymith." 

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