17 - Her New Home

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That day came quicker than I expected. Peeta and I were given allowance to leave the hospital after one night of staying there.
"She's so beautiful." Peeta said when I walked out of the bathroom. He looked tired. He probably didn't sleep last night. He held Willow in his arms so peacefully that it warmed my heart. 
"I can't wait to show her our house." I replied.  "Especially her beautiful room you designed." 
Peeta nodded gleefully. "Do you think she will bake, or paint, or hunt?" He can't help but just stare at her.
"She looks creative to me. I think she'll take after you and become a famous painter or something."
"Yeah, gosh I hope so."
"Well I'm all ready. Let's get going."
Peeta looked up at me this time. "Are you ready to face the crowd of fans?"
I took in a deep, undecided breath. "I have no choice I guess. So, no, but yes."
Peeta nodded. "I feel the same way."

Once we left that hospital we were completely bombarded by fans and cameramen. They suffocated us with questions. News anchors held microphones to our mouths. They took several pictures of poor little Willow who begun to cry from the loud cheering noises the crowd shouted at us. It was ridiculous, but Peeta was strong. He made sure none of them touched me. He pushed them aside, all the while being somewhat courteous and managing to quickly reply to some of them. I didn't know how he could do it so cooly and still remain calm. Meanwhile I was having a full fledged panic attack inside while I held Willow in my arms. 
The train was our only shelter from the storm, because once we got off that, we were attacked again in Twelve. Residents and paparazzi all circled around us like animals. 

I was relieved when we got back into our house in the meadow. If I had to come upfront with any other fan I would have gone berserk. 
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Willow darling." I said as I brushed the tears off her small little face. You'll have to deal with that all your life, I added in my head.
"Come on, let's show her her new room." Peeta took her from my arms and we walked into her room.  
I didn't do anything but watch him point to the different colors and animals he painted on her wall. Then he laid her down in the crib. 
"She loves it, Peeta." I said as I came up behind Peeta and put my arms around his shoulders. Peeta turned around and kissed me softly. "Thank you for bringing her into the world Katniss."
I stared into his beautiful eyes, suddenly becoming solemn. I looked away from him. I could feel Peeta studying my eyes. "What's wrong, Love?"

I shook my head and looked at Willow. Peeta put a hand on my shoulder. "It'll all be okay."
"How do you know?" I asked.
Peeta looked at Willow, then looked back at me. "I know that you've been stressing about this since you had gotten pregnant."
Of course. "Everybody knows my thoughts before I do." 
"Katniss don't worry about that. We'll be okay, we have the book. We have each other. We don't have to stress about the paparazzi or anything. Everything is okay Katniss. Okay?"
I nodded and showed a small smile. Still that thought never really left my mind, but I pushed it away, doing my best not to bring it up again.
Despite the odds, I ended up with a family of my own.

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