23 - A Complete Family

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I laid in bed. Pain came off and on, but it never ceased. I looked over my shoulder to see Peeta laying on his side, fast asleep. I rolled over and faced Peeta, poking at his arm. "Peeta?" I whispered anxiously.
Peeta opened his eyes wide with alarm. "Katniss! You okay?"
"I'm fine, I just I can't sleep, and the baby keeps kicking."
"Is there pain involved?" 
"A little." I answered.
Peeta sat up and turned the nightlight on. "I'll stay up with you, just in case."
"No, Peeta, I'm alright." I said, but he never took "no" for answer.
I laid my head on his stomach while he lightly stroked my arm. I blenched in discomfort as the baby kicked impatiently. 

Only five minutes passed when pain came in a flood of discomfort. I arched my back, grimacing. "You okay?"
I shook my head, letting out a breath. "There's a lot of pain." But as soon as I said it, the pain diminished. My eyelids grew heavy again, and actually started to get tired. Peeta also started to doze off.
Again, the baby kicked and kicked. I grimaced. Again, and again. I lost my tiredness, now all I could think of was how truly anxious I was. Especially when a sharp jab of pain hit me. I lunged myself forward, whimpering loudly. It was unlike anything I had felt before, even with Willow. 
Peeta was startled by my sudden movement. "Hey, everything okay?"
"Yeah. Sorry." I placed a hand over my heart, it was beating rapidly. Then very suddenly, I started gasping as I felt wetness trickle out onto the bed. I knew that feeling. "P-Peeta my water broke!"
"What!" Peeta sprung up out of bed and ran to get the small bag we had packed in preparation. It was as if he had memorized all of that--well, he probably did.

I got up out of bed and met Peeta in the bathroom. He was quickly changing into pants.
"What about Willow?!" I questioned nervously.
Without a reply, Peeta ran to her room without saying one thing. I took in a deep breath and began to get my coat on. I slipped my boots on and walked to the bedroom where Peeta was holding sleepy Willow. She reached her hands out towards me. "Mommy! Are you okay?"
I smiled at her, trying to put a veil over the pain. "I'm fine, Hun."
I diverted my eyes towards Peeta. "Where are we gonna take her?"
"I can't take her to Danes. . . She'll have to go to the hospital."
I nodded. Great, this would be even more hectic with a her to worry about.

The train station was fortunately quiet, so we got onto the train within only moments of waiting. Once inside the hospital, the nurses took Willow away to the nursery. They promised me she would be okay, though I couldn't help but feel bad for her.
But I was distracted from that thought by the agonizing pains in my stomach. Peeta and I walked to our designated delivery room.

Once I had my hospital gown on, the nurses helped get me onto the bed. I grasped onto Peeta's hand. I had given birth before, but that did not ease my stress.
Peeta stroked my un-brushed hair, murmuring encouragement into my ear. I couldn't help but groan in pain as the awful contractions hit. One after another, feeling as if my insides were being squeezed to death.
"Alright, Katniss. You're fully dilated," the female doctor announced, "it's time to start this show."

The show of pain. "Okay." 
I huffed in torment, breathing in and out as best I could, feeling sweat roll down the temples of my forehead.
"Keep it up, Katniss. He'll be here any moment. I can feel it." The doctor encouraged. 
I nodded, gasping and panting. "I can feel it, too."
Squeezing my eyes shut and yowling.
"Here comes the hard part, Katniss. I need you to push as hard as you can." The doctor instructed. 
"You have this, beautiful. I know you do, come on." Peeta praised.
I nodded, grabbing onto Peeta's hand as if it were my lifeline. I let out one last cry of pain. Then the room was full of the sound of a newborns cry.
Peeta leaned over to hug me, his face touching my sweaty one. "You did so good, beautiful!" 

Tears escaped my eyes as I laughed in shock. Another baby. I never would have thought.
The nurses started to rinse our son and then swaddled him in a blue blanket with a blue cap. Tears leaked from Peeta's eyes.
I sat up, holding out my hands as one of the nurses handed him to me. I rubbed his damp, but smooth hair. His precious face. Peeta kissed his soft cheek.
His eyes watered, "Thank you for bring him into this world." 
I smiled, brushing it off in a joking manner. "Oh, it was nothing."
Peeta chuckled and I handed him the baby. "Katniss, what will his name be?"

Suddenly the door opened and Willow was walked in with one of the nurses. She ran to us. 
"Mommy, Daddy, where's my brother?!"
Peeta and I laughed. "Right here."
Willow jumped onto the bed and leaned over to see her brother being held in Peeta's arms. She marveled at him with awe, almost disbelief. "H-he's so cute." Willow began to tear up.
"He looks like a 'Rye' doesn't he?" I asked Willow, remembering the names we discussed just last night.
"Yes, please name him Rye!" Willow replied, sniffling.
Peeta looked at me with a pleased look. "I think that's perfect. Rye Mellark it is."
Willow sighed in happiness, "I can't believe I have a cute little brother." 

Once the sun rose, Peeta called Dane to ask him if he could pick up Willow. Dane did. I was told that I would have to stay in the hospital for at least one more day. I was fine with that.
"He's everything I ever dreamed of." Peeta said, looking contently at Rye.
I looked into Peeta's bright blue orbs. "Me too."
I could  feel Rye's small heartbeat as I held him in my arms. "Welcome to the world, Rye." I whispered, lullabying Rye into a deep sleep. I laid Rye on my chest as we both fell asleep.

Rye began to cry hours after we fell asleep. I got up groggily and held him in my arms, rocking gently, nursing him. "Shh. . . Mama's right here." I comforted, rubbing his soft blonde stubby hairs. "It'll be alright."
I heard Peeta yawn and I looked over to the corner of the room to see that he had woken up from his nap too.
I smiled welcomingly as Peeta walked up to us. "Look at mister handsome."
"He got it from you."
Peeta let out a bashful chuckle and kissed my forehead, "I'm so happy Katniss."
I nodded, kissing him on the neck. "Me too, Peeta. This is everything I wanted--two children. A girl and a boy."
"I did too." 
I yawned, looking down at Rye. "Gosh, I'm so tired Peeta."
"I bet," he caressed my hair, "try to get some sleep now. I'm going to use the restroom. I'll be right back."
I smiled at him and kept on cradling Rye in my arms.

The bright hospital light blinded me as Peeta opened the door. I covered my eyes with a hand, "Geez it's bright out there."
Peeta rubbed his eyes. "It sure is."
Peeta sat back on the chair in the corner. "Hey, Peeta?"
"What time is it?" I asked.
Peeta squinted at his watch. "Umm, four-thirty in the afternoon."
I rubbed my eyes. "Are you sure you want to sleep like that? You can go home with Willow if you want, you know?"
Peeta hesitated. "No, Katniss, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, Hun, I'll be fine."
He nodded, "Mhm."
"Okay, goodnight--even though it's not night."
Peeta chuckled. "Goodnight, Hun."

I placed Rye back into his crib and got under the thin, scratchy, hospital covers. I lifted my head off the pillow to look at Peeta.
"Peeta?" I whispered.
Peeta perked up at my voice. "Yeah?"
I patted the bed, indicating for him to come over. "Come sleep with me Peeta."
He didn't hesitate that time. Though the bed was fairly small, we made it work somehow. "See isn't this better?"
Peeta looked deeply into my eyes and kissed my nose. "Yeah, you're right."

 Hours later, the darkness of night began to settle. I was awoken to the squalling of Rye again. I slid off the bed without Peeta noticing and gently picked up Rye to rock him. That didn't help his crying. He actually got louder.
"Am I doing something wrong?" I whispered to myself. I caressed his head and shushed him. "I'm right here, I'm right here." 
Then the memory of the meadow song came to my mind. Willow loved that song as a baby.
"I'll give it a shot."
I cradled Rye in my arms and looked down at his innocent face. I took in a breath and then began to sing faintly.
"Deep in the meadow, under the willow. A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes. And when they open, the sun will rise. . ."
Rye calmed almost completely at the sound of my voice. I smiled happily. It worked.
I felt Peeta's presence from behind me as he rested his head on the crook of my left shoulder. 
"You're a beautiful singer."

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