31 - Out Of Control

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It was about five in the morning when I jolted up from bed and began to scream; trapped in a lucid nightmare. Hallucinations took over my sight as I began to frantically scan the room.
"Peeta? Peeta! Don't leave me--don't die on me!"
I looked to the bathroom door, hearing commotion from inside as Peeta ran to me. A frightened look in his tired eyes. "Katniss. . . Don't--"

I pushed him away from me, still caught up in my hallucinations. My mind running wild with paranoia.
Still Peeta persisted against my insanity and shook my shoulders, straddling me, pinning my arms down with his weight. "Stop, Katniss! You're having a nightmare--"
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME." I screamed, thrashing my legs violently as Peeta failed to pin them down in time.
"Calm down, it's okay I promise!" Peeta's neck began to bulge with veins as he finally constricted me of movement.

"STOP, DON'T TOUCH ME." But Peeta had held me down by then, using all his strength to counteract my thrashes.
"Shh." Peeta's face was growing red from the effort of holding me down. He grunted loudly. "Stop, please."
Suddenly his attention was brought to something else: a pounding knock came hurling down into our door. "What's happening in there?!"
"Nothing!" Peeta yelled, jumping off of me and running to the door.

I began to feel less powerful now, my hallucinations faded, and a lightheadedness took over me. I took in a deep breath, feeling normalcy kick in finally. Hands held tightly onto my head as a migraine crept into my brain.
I peaked just in time to see Peeta answering the door to an older rich couple, alarmed and panicked, holding onto their robes in concern.
"My wife was--she had a nightmare. . . I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"Well, damn. I just hope she's okay." The man replied.
"Me too." Peeta cleared his throat. "Is everyone alarmed?"
"Very." The woman answered. "I had never heard something so loud."

After that I blacked out.

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