30 - A Fancy Dinner

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I had the urging itch to bite my nails as Peeta and I waited to be seated at the elegant train dinning room. It was beautiful and the people who ate their were dressed beautifully too: makeup, sparkling skintight rhinestone gowns, pearls, diamond dangling earrings. Then there was me: a loose long dress devoid of any sparkle, hardly any makeup, and hair quickly combed out. 

A short little man wearing a tux smiled at us, "Right this way, Mister and Missus Mellark."
We followed him, passing up elite men and women, whispering when they saw us.
I quickly slid into the soft leather booth. It was nestled right next to a large window. A pianist played lovely romantic tunes.  

"This place is--," I gestured around the glamorous dinning car--"like the Capitol on a train."
Peeta chuckled, taking in the ambiance. "It really is. I wouldn't be surprised if the plates are made of diamonds."
"Yeah. Or gold. There's a pretty good chance."
 Peeta took a sip of water with his pinky sticking straight up. "We must have proper manners."
I laughed, playing along. "Yes, just like all these other elitists around us." 
Peeta smiled. "You look beautiful."
"Good enough to be an elitist?" 

A tall woman with fiery red hair--definitely from the Capitol--came and took our orders.
"Would you like any special drinks tonight?"
Peeta and I eyed each other. A drink sounded great. Peeta read my mind. 
"Some wine would be perfect." He replied.
"Wonderful!" She replied, swiftly walking away to grab our bottle. 

Our wine was delivered to us and poured into beautifully polished glasses. The dark cranberry color of it was appetizing to look at.
Peeta took a sophisticated swig of it, nodding to himself as he swallowed it. "I'm not much of a wine taster, but wow, that's great."
I took a small swig in my mouth, eyebrows raising as I tasted the sweetness of it. It was heavenly. "You're right," I nodded, "it's amazing."

Peeta and I both ordered steak. The last time I tasted steak, well-cooked at least, was in the Capitol as a teenager, so it was time for a reunion.  Our waitress set the steaming plates down on the table before us. I marveled at the steak--it looked fantastic. Juicy and browned. Steam rose from it, swirling up into the air until it disappeared. Perfect grill marks were engraved into the meat. It was impeccable how something that good could come from a train kitchen. 
By the time I looked up at Peeta, he had already started tearing it up with his knife, chewing in pleasure.
"This is," he swallowed, "the best steak I've ever had."

I began to feel tipsy once the bottle of wine was emptied. My stomach was bloated and full of food, though it all felt great to have eaten. We both stared out the clear windows, watching trees and bushes zoom by at an incredible speed. The stars began to shine in the night sky and beyond that there were lights and farming mills off in the distance. We were currently passing through District Nine, the grain industry district.

The both of us were caught off guard when our waitress came and delivered a chocolate lava cake. "A complimentary treat. Enjoy and come again." 
"That's nice of them." I said, looking at the nicely decorated chocolate cake.
"I didn't expect that. I can't even eat one more thing."
"I'll help you with that." I said as I smiled, dipping my spoon into the delicate cake. 
"Well, I never said I wouldn't try it." Peeta grinned, taking his own spoonful. 

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