46 - Much Older

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Willow and Oliver were awarded with a first place medal that June day at the science fair. It was such a joyous thing to see her that cheerful. Oliver was also just as elated. I could tell that there was the beginning of a bond growing between them two. Most importantly, I was happy that Willow had someone to hold her hand through that chaos that school had become.  

Two more years had flown by, and now the children were much older.  Willow was now in seventh grade and continued to study about the Games more in depth, which brought her down at times. Though I could always count on Oliver to uplift her. Within those two years Oliver had grown quite handsome. As a thirteen year old, he was nearly as tall as I was.
Willow and Oliver would spend hours together working on math equations, which Willow struggled with. But he never ceased to offer support and tutoring. That was something I could never thank Oliver enough for. Their friendship was admirable. 

Rye was nine, and as serious as ever when it came to soccer. The both of us have had great moments of hunting and archery together out in the meadow. I knew we always would; the use of a bow and arrow was one thing that Rye was very ambitious about. He was just beginning to learn of Peeta and I in the Games. Though he never talked much about it. If anything, he took the whole ordeal on his shoulders in confidence, which Rye never lacked. If anything he had too much of it at times. 

Both Willow and Rye were growing so fast; developing into mature children. Though they struggled in certain areas, they were still experiencing. Still growing, and that was a key part of life.  They were living life, paving a road for their individual selves. Thriving and persevering. And they would continue to. Both Peeta and I would be there to lift their spirits, because raising children never came easy, and I feared it never would. But we were doing a half decent job at it, and we were growing along with our children. And that would be the way of life. Day by day. One step at a time.  

Hey, fellow Hunger Games lovers :) If you're reading this right now, thank you for giving this book a shot! It's been great writing it, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it. 

If you're curious about "The Everlark Family - Part 2" book I will provide a summary of it down below. Hope you enjoy it! :D
                       Growing up in the constant spotlight is either awesome or awful. For Willow Mellark, growing up with popularity from her famous parents begins to sabotage her confidence. It begins to slowly brainwash her into believing lies. It begins to open her up to the insecurity accompanied by bullies.

                        As Willow grows into a teenager, she meets a boy her age. He instantly leaves a permanent mark in her mind. The closer the two get, the worse the truth gets; the crazy truth of the Hawthorne bloodline.

                       Meanwhile, Rye Mellark embraces his popularity brought on by Peeta and Katniss. Little does he know that fame can work in deceiving ways. What happens when his significant dreams are crushed by his parents? Will he go against their will?

                   What will possibly happen to Willow and Rye's lives-will they persevere or fail? 

The Everlark Family: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now