12 - Which Gender?

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Many months had passed. I began to grow fond of having a girl or a boy. It took me a little while to really accept that fact, but the more I thought of it, the more I grew to love it. Meanwhile, Peeta and I occupied ourselves with creating several lists of baby names. It took some time to agree on which name we would stick with, but eventually we made a firm decision; if it was a boy we would name the baby Rye, and if it was a girl we would name her Willow.

"Are you almost dressed?" I heard Peeta ask me from outside the bedroom.
"Yes, just a second." I called back as I quickly laced up my boots.
Then I met Peeta by the front door. 
"Are we all ready--"
I cut Peeta off and placed his hand on my protruding stomach. "The baby's moving, Peeta!" I exclaimed. It was one of the craziest feelings. 
"Wow, what an active kid in there." Peeta smiled and bent down to kiss my stomach. "C'mon, honey, let's get going."

We walked to the other side of Twelve where the train station was located at. 
To our advantage, the hospital was pretty desolate compared to most days.
"I'll check you in." Peeta told me before he walked up to check us in. I nodded, sitting there completely exhausted. I never actually took into consideration how draining it was to be pregnant. I never really thought it was that fatiguing, but boy did I find out.  

Within minutes we were called in by the doctor. "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Mellark, I'm Doctor Jetta," a small young female doctor smiled cordially, "nice to meet you!"
I laid down on the narrow bed as she instructed me. Peeta took the chair beside me.
A shiver ran up my spine as Doctor Jetta began to rub the freezing cold ointment onto my baby bump.  
Then I watched as she placed a microphone-looking instrument onto my stomach.  Suddenly the baby came into focus and we were all able to see Peeta and I's little creation inside me. It pulsed with a heartbeat. My heart melted. 
"Well it's a girl, congrats!" Doctor Jetta announced. "I'm estimating that her birth will take place in early April. The first week of April actually."
I turned to look into Peeta's eyes. He smiled widely. "That's wonderful."

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