18 - A Picnic

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Five great months had passed. Life had been hectic with a child as one could only imagine. I am not one to sugarcoat the truth, and many times being a mother was overbearingly frustrating, but I learned to cope with the messes and loss of sleep and headaches from Willow's loud crying. It was all worth it in the end, no matter how tiring it was.
But Willow was doing great; she had just started eating mushed apple sauce and carrot sauce. Homemade of course. Her eyes were beautiful; they were like Peeta's--that crystal blue that you could get lost in.
As for Peeta, he was still working at the bakery and according to him, it was booming with people. District Twelve overall had grown. Many more people had moved in the newly built houses. Upgrades were finally happening.

Today Peeta had the day off. We planned on going out on a picnic.
Peeta brought pears, oranges, cookies, saltine crackers, and some sandwiches. We also brought baby food, and a diaper or two.
It was a beautiful September day. The air was crisp and there was a slight breeze.
Peeta and I walked about twenty minutes until we got to our picnic destination. It was perfect. We sat right next to the lake. It was really a cove, twenty times bigger than the misshapen pond by our house.
Peeta and I marveled at the beauty of it. The shore was a little sandy but not much. There was even an old, abandoned dock for boats and fishing. 

"You know that time I left and you thought I was at the bakery?" Peeta asked me as he held Willow.
"Yeah?" I asked suspiciously. 
"Well, I actually came here. It's such a great place to calm down."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know." 
The other night Peeta had an episode. When I asked what happened all he could manage to say was that it was a bad dream. I didn't ask any further. 

Peeta sat Willow on the sandy ground and got out his sketchbook that he snuck with him, and a box of pencils.
"What are you going to draw?"
Peeta thought for a second, then answered, "You." 
I chuckled. "What, why me?"
"Because you are beautiful."
Willow started to throw a fit, so I quickly picked her up in my arms.
"Perfect!" Peeta said, "Stay there. Just like that."
"Just stay there." He instructed. 

I watched as Peeta started to draw me with his worn out pencils. He grabbed varieties of colors. Just sitting there on the grass, looking up at us as I stood there awkwardly holding antsy Willow. 
"Now look away." Peeta directed. 
I sighed and looked where he wanted me to. "Peeta, honey, can I put the baby down--she's a little fussy."
"Yeah sure, I already drew her."

It seemed like hours but he finally was finished.
"Okay, it's all done." Peeta said as he showed it to me.
I snatched it from his hands in amazement. It was so realistic and breathtaking. 
"Peeta, this is terrific. Seriously. And you did it quickly too."
Peeta smiled and nodded. "I'm glad you like it."

We stayed there the rest of the day and ate, and sat on the dock, watching the little minnows swim by our feet. It was great. 

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