chapter 1

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'Oh god. Here we go again' I sigh softly as I walk down the sidewalk

I could hear the bullies snickering behind me. I ignored them the best I could, speeding up my walk.

"hey look. A fag trying to be normal" one of them spat out loudly, making me flinch.

"yeah, maybe we should help it go back to how it should really look"

I tense for a second before bolting it down the street.

"he's getting away!"

"get him!"

'all i have to do is get to kagomes house and I'm safe!'

I can see the shines steps in the distance and pushed myself to go faster even though my legs we starting to give out. reaching the stairs, I barely made it up a few steps before a hand roughly pulled me back my my hair. I grit my teeth 'they wont get the satisfaction of seeing my pain'  I was thrown to the ground and three guys circled me like a pack of wolves.

"where should we start first?" one of them asked, looking at his buddies 'lets call him Mr. cocky'

"maybe that pretty face of his" another snorted "he will be ass butt'

"we can do what ever we want, he wont do anything" the last one kicked me in the side, making me hold back a yelp 'he is definitely a fuck nugget'

the three started beating me up. kicks, punches......-I think ass butt even bit me- but I didn't make a sound, if I did, that would mean they won and I will never let that happen.

after a while, fuck nugget decided to bring out a switch knife. ' not good'  I stared at the knife, fear flushed through me.

fuck nugget held the knife against my cheek "lets paint the street red shall we?"

"oi! what do you think your doing?"

there was a flash of red and next thing I know, I see Mr. cocky, ass butt and fuck nugget on the ground unconscious.

"Hiro! are you ok?" I look over and see kagome running own the shrine steps to me.

"yeah...I think so..." I got up slowly, wincing as bruises start to form where I was kicked. I looked around 'where did that flash of red come from? and how did those guys get knocked out?' those questions stuck in my head as i followed kags up the shrine steps.

"those guys are such jerks! the nerve of them attacking you!" she punched the air in front of her as if someone was there.

"its fine kags. they do that much damage...."

kags turned to me once we got to the top of the stairs and looked me over like a worried mother.

"I guess your right..... but that still doesn't excuse them for even trying! I mean really! three against one? that's unfair!"

I watched her rant on and on while we walked into her house and up to her room.

"I see what you're trying to say, kags. but you shouldn't be surprised. this happens all the time"

kags sighed, falling back on her bed "and that's a bad thing hiro. you're so used to being attacked by those guys and it worries me."

I sat at her desk, watching her play with buyo as she spoke to me.

"Ah. I guess I see your point" I chuckle softly and lean back in the chair "but enough about that. Let's get to studying miss. Sicky pants"

"Ehehehehe about that... I have something to show you hiro"

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