chapter 6

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"fetch!" I threw a bone in the air, letting moon catch it.

since I had to spend the night here in this cave, I decided to name the wolf that carried me here. moon jumped in the air, catching the bone mid air.

"good job" I praised moon, patting his head.

"how did he do that? he tamed one of kogas wolves over night"

"he must really be the one for koga"

I heard some pack members talking to each other. then I heard ginta and hakkaku yelling outside.

"hey kogas back!"

"koga! who's the woman?"

"she looks tasty"

"can i have a bite of the leg?"

I peeked over the edge of the ledge, seeing koga walk to the back of the cave, dragging a girl with him 'is that kagome?!'

I looked at moon, whisper "can you get me down to them?"

moon nodded, kneeling down so i could get on his back.

he jumped off the ledge and ran over to koga with me holding onto the scruff of his neck.

I saw koga toss something to the wolves and noticed it was shippo.

"ahhhh! kagome help!" shippo whaled as wolves circled around him.

"shippo! listen here buster. if you want my help then don't hurt him!"

I hopped off moons back and walked up behind koga "what are you doing to my friends?"

koga craned his head so he could look at me.

"they're your friends?"

I nodded "yes and i would appreciate it if you would not harm them!" I snapped.

koga smirked "heh. I like your spark. fine, I'll let the runt live" he got shippo and gave him back to kagome.

kagome looked at me "Hiro?"

shippo jumped into my arms "Shihiro! you're alive! we were so worried! inuyasha went crazy when your were taken"

I looked down at him "really?"

he nodded "yeah. he tried to sneak out in the middle of the night to find you"


I heard someone walk up behind me "alright. that's enough socializing for you. back to the ledge" koga grabbed shippo and threw him back to kagome.

"wha- ah! hey! put me down!" I yelped as koga threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

I punched his back repeatedly as he walked to the ledge i was on.

he jumped up on the ledge and tossed me onto the fur bed. he dropped down next to me, turning onto his side so he can look at me.

"so you're a kizoku huh? I've only heard stories about your kind by my elders" he mused, looking me up and down.

"you have?.......can. um. can you tell me one of the stories?" I looked up at him.

he blinked, pink dusting his cheeks "uh. sure"

he scratched his cheek lightly, in deep thought "well. there is one story that my mother used to tell me...."

moon jumped up on the ledge and curled up at my side.

koga sat up, crossing his legs "lets did it start...."

I watched him as he closed his eyes, trying to remember.

before he could even started, we heard yelling at the entrance of the cave.

"move! we have injured!"

kogas eyes widen and he picked me up, jumping down to the entrance where the pack members were surrounding something.

"spread out men! give them some air!" koga barked out, setting me down.

the pack members backed up, showing two that were severely injured.

"how did this happen?" koga looked at ginta "was it them?"

"yeah. they attacked hard during the mid day changing of the watch. only these two managed to escape, the others fell off the cliff to their death of were carried away...." ginata grimaced.

I walked over to one of the injured and gently took what looked like big feathers from his hands.

"such terrible wounds" I heard kagome mumble.

"you saw them earlier. they call themselves the birds of paradise. but they're our enemies and this is their doing. we have lost many to them." koga spoke to kagome.

they started talking, koga mentioned that one had a jewel shard and kagome agreed to help them find the shard.

I helped the pack with their injured

'I hope you're making a good choice kagome.......'

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