Chapter 17

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"Please help our town, lord sesshomaru" The woman kept bowing as many of the townspeople began to bow as well.

"Please!" "We are people of the west!" "Help us!"

I stare in shock, watching these humans beg and bow to the demon lord.

"Whoa! What's going on?" Kagome sputtered, waving her hands in the air while looking between the people and the demon lord.

I scan through the crowd, noting that they are all women. some kids sprinkled around I do spot a few young boys. many looking as young as eight, minus the three that had stopped us on the road. which I see said boys hiding in the crowd right behind the lead woman.

"Sesshomaru" I sigh, running my fingers through Rin's hair to get out some tangles.

I make eye contact with him before glancing at the people and then back at him. A beat of silence goes by as everyone watches the interaction. I raise a brow and pat Rins back in emphasis. A look of irritation before reluctant acceptance.

"Speak your troubles humans" The western lord sneered, stepping forward to block the view of Rin and me.

The lead woman rose from her bow but kept her gaze on the ground of Sesshomarus' feet "It was four months ago. An endless fog settled over our town. the weather is unpredictable around here so we thought none of it. the fog stayed for 3 weeks"

The crowd began to disperse as the woman began to lead us through the town and to a large house right in the middle. We dropped Ah-Un at a stable so I carried Rin and a now-sleeping Shippo. She brought us to a large room in the home to continue her story.

"We continued life as normal. The children played, us women did the cleaning and shop keep, while the men were out doing the heavy work" She began to tear up "My father and husband were the leaders of our town. three days before the fog disappeared, a beautiful woman came. She walked right in from the road you all just came down. our town has a history of housing demons as well as half-demons. most don't stay for more than a few months. My husband and father both greeted her earnestly, assuring her that she was welcome here and no harm would come to her. That woman-"

"That evil demon made all our men disappear!" the little leader boy burst in with an angry shout.


The boy, Meiji, stomped over to stand in the middle of the room and faced Sesshomaru "The demon put a spell on them and took them all away when the fog disappeared! We have to watch our others work extra hard because of her! You're supposed to help the people of your land so fix this, stupid demon lord!"

I slap my hand over my mouth so fast to cover up a laugh. the sight of a little human boy yelling at the demon lord of the west. Oh a sight to see. I snatch Jaken up by the mouth before he can start a screaming match.

"Meiji, please. Be respectful!" The woman ('someone say her dang name!' A thought that rang through everyone's mind) grabbed the boy's arm and made him sit at her side "I apologize my lord. Pay him no mind. He is just angry that his father was taken" she bowed her head.

Sesshomaru grunted and promptly left the room. I let Jaken go so he could follow his lord while I stayed since Rin and Shippo were now awake and playing cats cradle on my lap.

"We can also help miss" Kagome spoke, seeing the dispaired look on the woman's face watching Sesshomaru leave "We can solve this mystery with more people"

"Like hell we are!" Inuyasha snarled from his lonely corner "They want help from their 'mighty demon lord of the west' I say we just leave with shihiro. Sesshomarus on his own"

I frown, hugging Rin close when she got upset at that statement.

"There is no need for these innocent people to suffer because of a petty rivalry between brothers" I hiss then turn to the woman "We'll help your town. what's your name by the way?"

"Oh!" She blushed, embarrassed "I'm sorry. My name is Megumi. my son here is Meiji. I have two other sons, Masashi and Minoru. they're triplets and currently the oldest men in the town. Meiji was born first so he was learning the ways to lead our town from his father before this all happened" Megumi sighed, smoothing out Meiji's hair lovingly.

"Triplets are rare to see" Sango commented while I tried to wrap my head around all the names starting with M.

"Mm, they're the pride of our people. Showing that our family is strong" Megumi smiled solemnly.





Meanwhile with our resident demon lord and imp servant.

"Mi'lord! Must we really help these humans? I see no benefits for us in doing this other than slowing our hunt for Naraku. I say we just get what we came for and leave" Jaken bemoaned, running to keep up with sesshomarus fast-paced walk.

"Do not question my motives" was all the dog demon said before jumping to the air.

"Ah! Wait for me!" the imp screamed, grabbing onto the end of fluff before it was too late

A/N: I am VERY sleepy lol. I went to two concerts this week. Young the giant on Tuesday and Aly & Aj last night! It's was so much fun but no sleep at all lol.

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