chapter 5

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(Hello readers~ the picture ^ up there is Shane's bracelet~!)


we've been walking for a few days now and its been soooooooo boring!

right now now we are walking down a path, miroku said there should be a village near where we can stop for the night.

kagome paused in the middle of the path, looking straight ahead with a thoughtful look.

"kagome? whats wrong?" inuyasha looked at kagome.

"its faint. but i sense a jewel shard near by"

"what? can you lead us to where it is"

kagome and I got on inuyasha back. kilala transformed into her big cat form and sango, mikoku and shippo got on her back.

we traveled full speed to a village. it looked like it was attacked by a pack of wolves.

"oh my...." i covered mu mouth at the strong scent of blood "so much blood...." I held back the vomit that wanted to come out.

inuyasha covered his nose with his sleeve "the smell for blood is everywhere. there was a full blown massacre here" he let kagome and I down.

kilala landed beside us "looks like a pack of wolves did this" sango examined the wolf tracks on the ground "and the tracks look fresh" we walked around the village cautiously, only to be ambushed by many wolves.

"get back!" inuyasha got infront of us. the wolves growled at us then inuyasha attacked them, cutting them down with ease.

"poor guys....they were probably just protecting their territory" I mumbled softly.

I couldn't watch anymore, so I ran in front of inuyasha, allowing myself to get bit by one of the wolves "stop inuyasha!"

kagome and the others gasped "Shihiro! what are you doing?!" shippo cried out, seeing blood drip from where the wolf bit me.

"idiot! do you want to get yourself killed?!" inuyasha was about to attack the wolfs again, but was stopped by someone talking behind me."what the hell is happening here? who slaughtered my wolves?!" I turned around and saw a guy wearing brown animal furs, looking at all the dead wolves.

"that would be me" inuyasha barked, taking out tetsiga (sp?)

"how dare you!" the guy growled.

"how many people have you killed huh? you reek of human blood!"

"so what? we needed to eat. got a problem with it mutt face?"

"what did you just call me?"

inuyasha and the guy started insulting each other.

"enough of this! I'm koga, leader of the wolf demon tribe! and you're going to pay for killing my wolves!" koga looked right at me "and I'll start with this one"

he bolted right at me, raising his hand to strike my face. I raised my hands above my head, shutting my eyes. I felt him stop right in front of me.

"what? you're a....." I opened my eyes slowly, seeing koga staring at my bracelet.

He grabbed me roughly and threw me to his wolves "half of you, bring him to the cave and protect him with your lives! now!"

I yelped, landing on a wolfs back.

"hey! what do you think you're doing! give hiro back!" kagome yelled as half of the wolves started running away with me

'this is not good. and they're running to fast for me to jump off so im stuck with the wolves......ugh....'


after a while, the wolves finally slowed down in front of a water fall.

"hey look! some of kogas wolves are back!"

"oh yeah! who's that on one of their backs?"

"looks like a human boy"

"you think koga sent us a snack?"

I looked up and saw two guys staring down at me with hungry eyes. they were dressed like koga, but one had a Mohawk and the other had black hair with a strip of white hair going down the middle.

the wolves growled at them when they jumped down from the rocks they were on.

"hm? why are you guys protecting him huh?" they leaned down to the wolves height. one of the wolves barked at them.

"he wants you to protect him? that's strange" the Mohawk guy mumbled, the other nodded in agreement.

"but we cant do anything about it. so we might as well bring him in"

the wolf that I was on followed the two guys into a cave behind the waterfall.

there were many guys, wolves and animal bones scattered everywhere around the cave. kogas wolves brought me up to a high ledge, where many animal furs were piled up like a bed. I was set down on the furs gently and the wolves laid around me.

the two guys introduced themselves to me as ginta and hakkaku, they then went to tell the rest of the 'pack' that I was 'off limts'

I stretched, laying down while gently petting one of the wolves "might as well get comfortable huh?" I mumbled to it. it nuzzled its face into my hand.

I smiled lightly, hugging it's neck "fluffy~" I cuddled it. I guess the other wolves got jealous, cause the snuggled closer to me.

"hey. did you see that humans bracelet?"

I heard some of the pack members whispering to each other about me.

"yeah. he's one of the kizoku"

"no wonder koga sent him here with half of his wolfs. he probably already claimed him"

"nah. he doesn't have kogas scent on him. I bet kogas going to claim him at the mating grounds"

I blushed 'm-mating grounds?!' I buried my face into one of the wolves bellies, hidding my blush.

'inuyasha, kagome! please save me soon!'

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