Chapter 28

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After the little morning fiasco with inuyasha. Kagomes decided to be a little rebel and skipped school to spend the day with me and rin.

We decided to bring rin to one of the bigger parks close to the city. It had a pond and a few walking 'trails'. Rin walked between us, holding our hands and asked numerous questions like 'why are those people throwing a yellow disk?' To ' what happens if a squirrel dies in the fake forest with nothing to eat it?' Thankfully no one was around to hear the not so normal questions.

After a decent walk around the park and answering rins many questions ("what happens if a bandit comes?" "Bandits aren't that common here anymore" "why?" "Why not?"). Kagomes and rin go to secure us a picnic table by the pond while I go get us some snacks from a near by stale. Rin politely demanding a 'fizz drink' so she can understand sotas explanation of soda.

There was a small line so I was able to take some time to sort through my thoughts.

'We have three more days till we need to return to the fudal era. Then we'll probably spend a day max in Kaedes village to discuss the direction we'll go next. With ah-un we're able to travel longer distances which is a big plus' I reach the front, smiling politely at the worker before ordering a variety of snacks and a couple sodas. I pay and get handed a paper at with my items.

'I wonder how long it will be till I see sesshomaru again? Three months like when I was traveling with him, maybe longer? Or sooner since rin is with us...' I shake my head, making my way to the table.

Kagome was telling a story when I walked up.

"...and hiro had to run all the way to the other side of the school in a full princess costume, tiara and everything. There's a no running rule in our school but he didn't get stopped or yelled at. The teachers probably saw the dress, his face full of makeup, and felt sorry for him." Kagome snorted, making rin giggle "even though he was already running late for class, he decided to properly put on the costume. Petite coat, corset, and even the heels that went with it AND put on a full face of make up. Could of just stayed in his gym uniform but no. He wanted to show off to his bullies that he could rock a dress"

I grin and sat next to rin "well its their fault for using the costume that was literally MADE for me to use in culture festival the week after. If anything they brought us more sales to our booth. I'm pretty sure someone from yearbook got a picture of me running"

I lay out the snacks on the table, describing each one to rin while Kagome opened a chip bag to munch on a few.

"What else do you have planned for our last few days in the future?" Kagome mused, popping another chip in her mouth.

"Just waiting for you mom to call your uncle. If he's interested in buying, then its just a quick contract sign and payment set up. If not, I go back to one of the agencies and get the house listed with your mom as the point of contact for me while we're gone." I explain, helping rin open some strawberry pocky.

"Other then that, I wanna pack up thee important stuff and store them in the extra shed you guys have for me at the shrine" I sigh, thinking of all the work I still need to do.

"Don't worry Shi-Kun! I'm here to help!" Rin pat my shoulder with a beaming grin, which was adorable cause her face as covered in crumbs.

I smile, cleaning her face with a napkin "much appreciated rinnie bear"


The three of us walk up to my house, I invited kagome to stay for dinner since she was already here.

I unlock the door, letting them in. Rin immediately runs to the kitchen to continue her puzzle. I watch kagome go to the alter to say a small prayer, she kneeled and clapped her hands together "hey auntie...." She whispered.

I smile and walk to the kitchen to get dinner started. Pork stew had even decided on the walk home so I immediately started to prepare everything.

I glance at rin every once in a while to check on her, she was probably a third of the way done with her puzzle.

"Wow rinnie, you're doing really good with this puzzle" I point out a couple pieces that go together. She happily fit the pieces together.

"Do you think I can finish it before we leave?" She questioned, sliding off her chair " I'm helping you make dinner now" She declared next with her hands on her hips.

"If that's what you want to do hun" I chuckle an answer to both question and statement.


"Thanks for dinner, hiro. I'll see you two in a couple days, Kay?" Kagome gave me and Rin a hug when we walked her to the door.

"Make sure to call me if inuyasha tries to come back with more BS" I snort softly watching her get in the taxi I called for her since I didn't want her walking in the dark.

I close and lock the door once the taxi drove off.

"Ok rinnie. We still have an hour ish before bed. What would you like to do?" I stretch out my arms, feeling my joints pop.

"I want to work on the puzzle more! And-and listen to the dancy music you showed me" she nodded to herself, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the 'puzzle table'

"Sounds like a plan!"

And so that was the start of our cozy home life for the next few days.

A/N: I hope everyone is having a good day and staying warm! We just had a big storm the other day and multiple areas are flooded rn so y'all stay safe where ever you are! Next chapter back to the feudal era!

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