Chapter 27

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The next morning, I showed Rin a puzzle she could do on the kitchen table while I made some phone calls.

I grab the home phone and phone book, searching and dialing the numbers I needed.

"...Hello? Yes. This is Shihiro Okami. I want to book an appointment, are there any available spots this afternoon or anytime tomorrow?...ok. Tomorrow at Three works thank you... yes thank you. See you then."

Flipping through the book, finding another number and dialing.

"..Hello. This is Shihiro Okami. I need to cancel the automatic payments for my account one will be living at this residence for a while...yes I will not be here for before the upcoming payment...yes...just me....address ****...thank you have a good day"

I let out a groan, leaning against the kitchen counter. I look and see Rin got most of the edge of the puzzle done. She had the most focused look on her face, tongue poking out as she stared hard at the puzzle pieces. I chuckle softly and go back to making phone calls.


"Ok Rinne. I will be back tonight. You be good for mrs. Higurashi" I crouch in front of Rin, who pouted at me, as I drop her off at Kagomes house.

"Why can't I go with you Shi-Kun? I'll be quiet, I promise" She whined, grabbing onto the sleeve of my jacket.

"Because I'm going into the city, rinne. The ear plugs wont be enough and if you get a headache I won't be able to focus cause I would be too worried"

It took a few minutes and help from mrs. Higurashi, but soon I was able to leave with the promise I would bring back DipnDots for dessert tonight.


"I'm back!" I call out, entering the house after a long day of going around the city. I stretch and take off my shoes, placing them on the shoe rack by the door. I sigh, dragging my feet walking the to kitchen. I greet Mrs. Higurashi who was cooking dinner while I put Rins frozen treat in the freezer.

"Rin should be with Kagome in her room last time I checked" She told me when I asked.

"Thank you" I give her a kiss on the cheek and make my way upstairs.

I peek into the bedroom "rinnie" I sang, seeing said little girl sprawled out on kagomes bed. Kagome was sitting at her desk, most likely doing homework.

"Shi-Kun!" Rin cheered, jumping off the bed and into my arms when I walked a bit closer "welcome back. Sota-Kun showed me around the whole shrine when he came back from school. And grandpa Higurashi told me stories about..." I let her tug me over to the bed while she rambled on about her day.

Not long after, we were called down for dinner. It was an uneventful meal, some small talk and compliments of the food. Once Rin finished her food, I let her have her treat while I helped Kagome with the dishes.

"So what wee you doing out in the city, Hiro? I know you said there were a couple appointments you had to go to" Kagome asked , handing me a plate to dry.

I hum, absentmindedly drying "Well. I went to the bank to check on some investments my mother has done for my when I was younger. Then I went to A few housing agencies to see about selling my house-" I pause with a jump when Kagome dropped the handful of chopsticks she was handing to me. They scatter across the floor but neither of us acknowledge it as we stare at each other. Kagomes mouth hung wide open.

"Selling your house?! But-But that's your childhood Home!" She stammered, looking at me like I've grown two heads.

"Yes I am aware of that" I sigh, setting down the drying towel to give her my full attention.

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