chapter 8

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the birds of paradise were ripped to shreds by non-other than inuyasha.

"i-inuyasha!" I ran over to him when he landed.

"Shihiro are you OK? did they hurt you?" Inuyasha grabbed my shoulders, looking me over.

"i'm fine. but right now we need to stop this war between the wolf demon tribe and the birds of Paradise"

Inuyasha looked at his surroundings.

"do any of those things have a jewel shard?"


After inuyasha killed the birds of paradise and almost killed koga. Him and kagome got into a 'small' fight.

Kagome decided to take me with her back to inuyashas forest. Sango kindly allowed us to us kilala and off we went. I couldn't even bring moon with me! T.T my baby!

~~~~~~~(I had no idea how to end that part 😰 sorry)~~~~~~~

"You go back to our time while I watch over the village, kagome. Say hi to sota for me, k?"

Kagome and I were currently standing beside the bone-eaters well.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come back with me? You can even stay in my room if you want"

I felt guilty seeing kagomes face turn sad.

"I don't feel like I belong in our time kagome. I'll be a good boy while you're away. Now go"

With that said kagome jumped into the well, back to our time.

I turned and started walking back with kilala.

"Shihiro-sama! Yev came back from yer travels. Have ye come back alone? I don't see kagome-sama or the others"

"Ah. Hai. I came back alone with kilala. Do you happen to know where kiade is?"

"She is visiting her sisters grave today. Shall I escort you to her?"

"If its not any trouble....."

I followed the villager after sending kilala back to sango.

"Lady kiade loves to go and just be in the presence of her sister grave." The villager informed me quietly as we made our way up some stairs to a shrine/grave site.

Kiade was sitting calmly in front of the grave. she seemed to be meditating.

"Lady kiade. Shihiro- sama has come back from his travels"

Kiade's soft gaze made its was to us.

"thank you. You may leave us"

I made my way to her as the villager left.

"what troubles you my child? Have you no interest in going back to your time with kagome?" She pat the spot beside her. I slowly sat beside her.

"I don't feel needed in that time. But here in this time, I feel a tug at my heart that tells me someones here needs me" I spoke softly, hoping she would understand.

She sat there, processing my words.

"I see. Maybe Traveling on your own could aid you. I shall lend you a horse and teach you in bow and arrow. But I do believe we should not inform the others of this correct?"

I smiled at her words "That sounds like That can help. I am honored to learn from you"

The rest of the day went by with keade teaching me about herbs and how to ward off demons.

'I'm sorry kagome. you might not see me when you come back....'

(Sooooo sorry this is really late! >.< I'm having some major writers block and Its getting really hard to find inspiration for this fic. If anyone has an idea please comment!)

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