Chapter 19

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The next day we set off to find where all the village boys had gone.

Inuyasha stayed awake throughout the night to see if he could catch anything out of the ordinary.

"There is definitely something going on" the hanyou announced the moment everyone was awake.

I listened as I brushed Rin's hair, getting her ready for the day.

"What did you see Inuyasha?" Kagome questioned, She checked over her bow and arrows.

"The boys are definitely still living here in town. I saw them all coming back from outside the town in the late hours of the night, going to their homes. But it was only a few hours, they all left again before dawn" Inuyasha grunted, crossing his arms "They all smelled of sweat, ash, and animal blood"

I frown at that "I don't like where this is going...some of them looked barely five years old" I pay Rin's head, sending her off with Shippo to play "Take Ah-Un with you!" I call to them, getting an affirmed cheer back.

"Whelp" I clap my hands together "let's go solve a mystery"


"Sesshomaru I swear to everything that is unholy. I will kick your shins when you get back" I hiss to myself, almost slipping on what I hope is mud. But seeing all the cattle around us in this field we're in, I'm definitely not lucky right now.

"We're getting closer. The smell is getting stronger and I hear movement" Inuyasha began to slow us down when we got close.

In the middle of the field was a large wooden building with a stone chimney in the middle. Black smoke ominously rose from the chimney and puffed from some windows that littered along the building's walls. The closer we got, the temperature began to rise and the smell of blood settled in the air.

"I don't like this..." Kagome whimpered, clutching her box anxiously.

I scanned the area, noting how the cattle stayed away and the grass was withered most likely to the heat that emanated from the building. We were stopped right at the entrance of the building, it was a large opening with no doors so we could see inside right away.

It was.......a heartbreaking view.

From what I could see there were at least 20 male children scattered around. I watched children, CHILDREN, butchering livestock and working a large furnace looking to be making charcoal.

I covered my mouth when I saw a tiny boy, probably 3 years old, struggling to carry (read: drag) a basket of bones. I turn away to compose myself, barely paying attention to the others' horrified reactions. I took a couple of deep breaths, tried my hardest to calm my heart and stop my eyes from stinging.

'What the fuck. What the actual FUCK. What the fuck are we supposed to do in a situation like this?' I turn back reluctantly 'OK. Ok. Even Inuyasha looks lost at what to do. We all came here expecting a fight... Okay. We have a few options. One, we go back to town and question Megumi. Two, we take this opportunity to question the children without any of the women to possibly interject. Or three, we wait and see what happens' I cringe to myself 'fuck it'

I start to walk in, praying the other would follow or at least stay at the entrance for me.

I was barely five steps in when the children noticed me.

"Mister!" "You shouldn't be here Mister" "How'd you find this place?"

I smiled kindly as the children came to me. Some of the younger ones grip onto my kimono and attempt to tug me back to the entrance. I allow them to turn me around though I take my time. I felt my eye twitch when I saw none of my companions behind me or at the entrance. 'Did they just leave me or are they hiding? Better fucking be the second option

"I'm sorry children" I soothed, petting the head of one closest to me "I had decided to explore and I guess I got carried away. I saw the smoke and got curious" I explained, seeing who I'm assuming is Meijis brothers coming to me with the rest of the children.

"We're not children mister!" One of the younger ones chirped.

"Yeah, we're the men of the town now!" Another puffed out his chest.

"Since our fathers are gone. We have to step up now" one of Meiji's brothers spoke, more guarded than the youngers.

"I see" I nodded in simple agreement "Someone has to do the men's work huh? You're Meiji's brothers right?"

The brother that spoke nodded "I'm Minoru, he's Masashi" he pointed to the other.

"We'll it's good to finally meet you two in person. I'm hoping we'll be able to bring your fathers back and you men can go back to being children" I bow my head before taking my leave.

I hear the children bidding me goodbye, their little feet shuffling around as I assume they went back to work. I breathe deeply, feeling my eyes begin to sting with tears. I rub my eyes roughly, picking up my pace to get as far as I can from that retched building.

I heard multiple heavy footsteps coming my way. Already knowing who they would be, I turned to glare at the people that left me. They at least had the decency to look guilty. Tears spilled silently down my cheeks.

"Say nothing" I hiss before storming off


I get back to town and hunt down Shippo and Rin to take them to one of the tea shops. I find them playing with some of the female children. Ah-Un stood close, allowing the young to marvel and touch their scales.

I watch from afar for a couple of minutes, taking time to fry my eyes and calm my breathing. I sigh softly, shaking my head to clear my head 'I'll... Think about that later'

I huff, finally walking over to the gaggle of children plus a two-headed dragon.

"Shi-Kun!" Rin cheered, being the first to notice me. She jumped into my arms when I was close enough. Shippo waved from his spot on Ah-Un's back.

"Hello Rinnie Bear" I smile, adjusting my grip on the girl as she hangs onto me like a koala "You guys having fun? Not giving Ah-Un too much trouble I hope" said dragon starting nudging my shoulder for scritches.

"Mhmm. Our new friends have never seen a dragon before! Ah-Un is much nicer than most dragons" Shippo mused. I look at the children around us, all girls. I give them all a small gentle smile.

"Hello, lovelies. Sorry to cut your fun short. I want to get some tea and snacks with my kiddies"


Back to the group of idiots. They had watched in shock as shihiro stormed off crying.

"I think we may have made a mistake...." Miroku cringed, backing up when Sango and Kagome turned to glare at him and Inuyasha.

"You don't say!" Sango growled, balling her hands into fists.

Kagome marched up to Inuyasha, jabbing her finger harshly into his chest "You two are the ones who suddenly dragged us away! And now we made Hiro cry!"

There was a small rush of wind then silence.

"What did you say, Miko?"

"Oh shit"

A/N: I am back from my little birthday adventure! I had a bonfire and it was dolly parton theme! 10/10 would do it again. anyway hope y'all enjoy the update! please lemme know what you think, I love reading comments.

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