Chapter 15

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A few more days passed and there was no sign of us bumping into inuyashas group anytime soon. I'm slightly relieved at that honestly.

I'm starting to grow very fond of my current travel companions. Rin has gotten very attached to me like she is with lord Sesshomaru. Jaken is very knowledgeable and a good storyteller once you get him to calm down enough. As for Sesshomaru..... well he's Sesshomaru.

I took a quick peek at the demon lord that walked beside me. After a few mere seconds, he returned my gaze. I smiled softly, leaning onto his fluff as we walked.

"We should stop by the next town or village soon. Get some supplies and give Rin some human interaction" I hummed, keeping my eyes on the path ahead "I could also use some new clothes"

"Hm" was sesshomarus's response. Out of agreement or just to give me a response to my talking I'm not fully sure.

We stopped in a small clearing to rest for the night. I went with Rin to a nearby stream so she could bathe and I could catch some fish for dinner.

"Look Shi-Kun! There's lots of big fish in the water!!" Rin squealed, running back and forth in front of the water.

"I see. I'll be sure to catch some nice juicy ones for us. you just make sure to get nice and clean" I helped her out of her kimono and watched her jump into the water.

After making sure she was okay by herself, I tied up my kimono It ended right above my knees  "Don't need this getting wet" I stepped into the water, shivering at how cold it was.

"Jaken better have a fire ready when we get back" I grumble before lunging at the first fish that came close.




"Grandpa Jaken! Lord Sesshomaru! Look at all the fish Shi-Kun caught!" Rin cheered, running over to the small imp that stood by a medium-sized fire. In her arms were three large fish that she hugged tight to her chest.

I followed behind the small girl, holding four more fish "Let's get them ready to cook Rin" I lay the fish out on the floor beside the fire.



After our lovely meal including me trying to get Sesshomaru to eat some as well, It was time for bed. I use my blanket as a makeshift for Rin, laying her close to the fire embers for warmth.

'The nights are getting colder. we're gonna need to get more blankets' I sigh softly, watching Rin snuggle in her covers sleep taking her quickly.


I jolt slightly, turning my head to see Sesshomaru motioning for me to follow him. I take one last look at Rin to make sure she's fully asleep before getting up and following the demon lord.

I caught up so I walked beside him, the silence between us was peaceful. compared to the area we were in, fallen trees and the remnants of what might of been a fight that came through these woods.

"You have something on your mind"

I hum as he leads me to a fallen tree, big enough for us to sit. His fluff spread out to be a more comfortable seat.

"I've had many things on my mind recently. So much has happened, but I still believe that I will wake up one day back in my own time and this will all just be a dream I could never have" A shuttered breath came out as I said a lot more than I intended to. The thoughts and the feelings that came with those thoughts, I've been Intentionally pushing to the back of my mind. now that I have the time to actually think, they're coming to the surface of my mind.

"I go from this lonely nobody that everyone would rather see dead, to this rare .... thing? Creature? suddenly hundreds of years in the past. And don't even get me started on the existence of actual demons. like. I'm not religious but in my time demons only existed in stories and written in history as entities that most humans can't even see" The floodgates have finally opened. I finally get to rant about this madness, Sesshomaru you better not regret this.

"Another thing! It's been so fucking hectic with wolves, creepy-not-husbands, and every demon either wanting to kill me or do my bidding just for a chance for a piece of this ass. I completely forgot that I suddenly have a power? I don't even know if it is a power and I have a feeling the way to test it is something I most likely will not enjoy" I seethed and hissed in frustration.

I turn to punch a part of the tree that wasn't covered in fluff. Putting as much force as I could into my swing.


I gasped, barely seeing Sesshomaru appear in front of me. My punch causing no harm as he catches it in his palm.

He pulls me close, wrapping his other arm around me. I stare up in shock. This Sesshomaru is nothing like any of the stories I've heard from the others. The demon lord of the west, son of the great dog demon. A cold-as-ice demon lord who cares for nothing but his own wants and goals. the very same demon lord stopping me from hurting myself.

I marvel at the sight for a second more before speaking.

"sorry...I guess there was a lot more on my mind than I thought" I sigh, allowing myself to relax now that I wasn't overthinking. I hesitate but slowly loosen the fist that he is still holding and intertwine our fingers.

He hums in response, brushing his thumb over my own.

"Have you let everything out?"

My cheek pressed against his chest as I grumbled out a small 'yes'

"Then this Sesshomaru will say his thoughts"

He pulls me closer, brushing his nose against the crown of my head.

"The people of your time are fools and pitiful for meddling in your life. you hold yourself with the pride of your ancestors without even knowing your own history. you are not a thing or a creature. you are a demon. A Kizoku. A Noble. You are Shihiro.

Power or not, if you wish to experiment, this sesshomaru shall help you. no need to harm yourself on a whim, I will not allow that"

It was as if I was in a trance by his words. He spoke in a way that seemed unnatural to him, but he was genuine. I came back to the present when I felt him let go of my hand to cup my cheek. I meet his eyes hesitantly. he was staring at me with such intensity that I couldn't look away, if I did he might just disappear. 

"If this is a dream, I will fight and kill those in my way to become your reality"

A/N: OH MY GOD I wasn't expecting this chapter to be so long. I was just in my grove and loving how the scene was coming along lol. the first chunk was still from my 2018 writing but now we're into my new stuff! I hope y'all liked this chapter! even like back then when I first started this fic I didn't have an end goal for this story. I'm just writing what I like and letting the plot move and build as I go. I do have some ideas for the next few chapters but please tell me what you think! give me suggestions and ideas that you think would fit into the wild life of a modern kizoku lol. as for now. thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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