Chapter 14

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A/N: Small note that this chapter was written in 2018. I did some small edits but its still the same


'The Kizoku are a rare class of demon. Born into the world, they cannot maintain their yokai. So a string of sacred beads fused with the miasma of their ancestors is wrapped around their wrist, disguising the newly born demon as human.

when a kizoku is of age, the beads can be removed but only by their chosen mate. It is believed that the kizoku will become the perfect pair for their mate once the beads are removed.'

I hummed as I read through the old scroll of a valley shrine.

"So only my mate can take this dang bracelet off? Were the kizoku a bunch of cheesy romantics too? ugh" I huff softly as I carefully close the scroll and place it back where it was on the wood shelf.

Outside the shrine, Sesshomaru stood by the entrance watching Rin chase Jaken around the lush grassy field. Ah-Un was taking advantage of our little pit stop to graze at the best grass they could find.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Sesshomaru turned toward me as I stepped out onto the grass.

"mhmm. there was only one scroll but I got what I wanted to know for now" I ran my fingers through my hair, Noticing for a moment that it was reaching past my shoulders.

"If that was all you needed. then we shall go now" the demon lord stated, making his way to Ah-Un with me following.

Jaken and Rin made their way to us and climbed onto the dragon while I had the honor of flying with Sesshomaru.

My arms hooked around his neck so I wouldn't fall. I feel his arms snake around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest.

Heat rushed to my cheeks "I don't think I will ever get used to this" I chuckled softly, peering up at Sesshomaru when he looked down at me.

"hm, when you transform into your demon form I will teach you to fly on your own" He spoke quietly into my ear, His breath warm against my neck.

"You're saying that like I will choose you....." my voice came out as a stutter when his arm tightened around my waist. I grip onto his fluff as we begin to glide into the air.

"I am confident that I will be chosen in the end. My foolish brother does not know how to treat someone of your status" His explanation wasn't what I was expecting.

"....tell me sesshomaru" I begin, thinking my question through carefully as we rose higher and higher into the clouds "Do you deem me worthy because I'm a kizoku or because of who I am?" The question must have caught him off guard as I felt him breathe in sharply and take a quick glance at me before staring straight ahead. He stayed silent for a while, I couldn't help but remember all the stories that Kagomes group told me. the descriptions of Sesshomaru being heartless and only seeking power for himself. Will he only use me for power? Am I-

My spiral of thought got cut off when he started to speak.

"You have proven yourself worthy of me during our short travels. Demon or.....human. you are my choice in a mate. your status is an addition to who you are. that is what this sesshomaru thinks" his golden eyes finally look back down at me showing a faint uneasiness. he was unsure of how I would react.

I let his words sink in, leaning my head on his fluff "I guess status means a lot to you, huh? seeing that you're a demon lord and all. And I can tell you're trying....." I watch the sun begin to set in the distance "It will be a challenge to have me fully fall for you. My heart has many trials to pass"

I feel myself growing tired, a small yawn escaping me. Sesshomaru shifted slightly and his fluff wraps around me like a blanket.

"I accept this challenge. now sleep"

A/N: ahhhhhh it's short but that was the perfect line to end this chapter!
Thank you to everyone that commented welcoming me back! 🥰 I already have a couple chapters in the works and am so excited for y'all to read!

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