Chapter 26

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A/N: CW this chapter has a part that talks about suicide and depression. If you are uncomfortable with those subjects I will mark the part of the chapter you can skip with >>>>>> and you can continue reading when you see <<<<<<


"Here we are..." I hum, staring at the home I had grown up in. A decent-sized, one-story western-style home with a tiny front yard.

Rin shifted in my arms to look at the house. I had carried her part of the way when a car had spooked her driving by.

I set her on the porch so I could get the spare key I hid in a potted plant in the yard.

'It's been what, two-three months? I'm very surprised by how well-kept the front looks. Maybe the neighbors were being nice' I snorted softly, unlocking the front door, and ushered Rin inside.

"This is where you grew up, Shi-Kun?" Rin looked around in awe when I turned on the lights.

"Mhmm. I'll even show you where my mother used to measure my height" I checked around to make sure there were no signs of a break-in, though the thin layer of dust everywhere was a dead giveaway that no one had been here while I was gone "try not to touch anything Rinnie. Everything is dusty"

I walk into the kitchen and cringe seeing some moldy apples and oranges on the counter "Ugh. We're gonna have to do some cleaning before anything else"


After a few hours of cleaning, dusting, and me gagging while throwing out rotting food, the house was clean enough for us to live in.

Rin and I collapsed on the couch in the living room after a nice bath.

"Shi-Kun?" Rin moved to sit on my stomach since I was lying on half of the couch.

"Hm?" I lift my head to look at her.

"Where's your mom? Or dad? Kagome has her mom and grandpa and even her brother. What about you?" She questioned, tilting her head innocently.

"Ah" I grimaced, leaning my head back on the arm of the couch "Well..."

There was a pause of silence between us while I struggled on what to say.

"...they're dead aren't they" she whispered, laying on my chest.

My breath caught in my throat and I lay my hands on her back "Yeah...yeah they are. But I wasn't alone. I had Kagome and her family to support me"

"Were they nice? Do you remember them?" She played with my hair


"I never knew my dad. He had passed before I was born, from an illness called cancer" I started softly "My mother though. She was a beautiful and kind woman. She raised me all by herself and didn't let anything fully bring her down. She encouraged me to try anything I wanted to do, within reason of course, and stood by me when I came out to her in middle school. She was my biggest role model" I smile at the memories flashing through my mind.

"What happened to her?"

"...She also had an illness. Though this one is in the mind. She was strong and fought it for a long time" I sighed heavily, holding Rin close "I know she loved me so much and it was probably on her mind for months, hell, maybe even years. 15 years is a long time to live without your soulmate. That's what my mom called my dad"

I pause for a bit, remembering those days.

"Honestly, sometimes I think maybe if I did anything different. Asked her to help me more or told her to come home safe that day. She would still be here. Anyway. She had left one morning, telling me she would be out for a while, that she unlocked my emergency debit card for food and to call the Higurashis if anything happened..." I gasped softly, feeling something touch my cheek. That something was Rin's hand, I see her looking at me with worried eyes. I didn't even realize I was crying till she rubbed her thumb under my eye.

I took a couple of deep breaths, letting Rin silently clean my face with the towel that we had used to dry our hair. It reminded me of Sesshomaru and i quietly told her that which made her smile. After a moment we settled back down and Rin printed me to finish.

"She was gone for two days. I didn't really know what to do other than go to school and wait for her when I was home. I tried not to use my card too much and just ate what was available at home. By the morning of the third day, I was getting ready to go to the store when there was a knock on the door" I took a shuddered breath "These two men, police officers, were there. They told me my mom was found in a hotel room. She had taken too much medicine and died in her sleep. She left a note. Saying she was sorry but she couldn't live without her soulmate any longer."


I sat up and gently moved Rin off me "Not many people came to her funeral. She had maybe one or two friends from work" I lead her to a small wooden cabinet in the corner of the room by the front window. I kneeled down and opened it to show a small altar with a picture of my mother and father on their wedding day "I didn't really mind that few people came, most were only there in support for me. Maybe it was a kizoku thing, I'm not sure, even back then deep down I understood. A couple of people thought she was selfish to leave me alone" I open a drawer next to the cabinet and set out some candles and incense. I carefully lit them with a match "I was never alone, I had Kagome and her family. I had the few teachers in school who offered a shoulder to cry on. And now I have even more people in my life" I smile seeing Rin clap her hands together, giving a small prayer and I join her.

"In the end of it. I know she's now with her soulmate, despite what some people might believe. And I'm happy that she's at peace with him" We sit in silence for a few minutes, watching the candle flames flicker and dance.


After that, we spent the rest of the day walking around the more quiet part of the neighborhood. I took Rin to a park and she spent a good two hours learning how to use the play structures. Her favorite was definitely the swings.

"That's so cool shi-kun!" Rin cheered watching me flip around on the pull-up bars.

I grin, leaning over the bar to look down at her "I used to do this all the time in school" I lean more forward so I would flip again.

I showed her how to do it on the shorter bar she could reach. Her squealing and doing it again by herself made me grin even more.

"Ok rinnie bear, we gotta go to the store now. We can come back another time" I check the time on my watch as Rin runs over and grabs my hand

"Can we get the ice treat Sota was talking about? The one that's dips and dots?"

I snort softly, remembering hearing Sota telling Rin about all his favorite things she 'just had to try' "Sure hun. But you'll eat it after dinner"

A/N: ok so like. I wasn't planning on this chapter to be that heavy. It just kinda came out that way but I love how the story is developing. Also, I'm very surprised at myself for posting faster than expected. Thank you everyone reading new and old! I am so happy to see people enjoying my writing <3

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