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.......Surprise? hehe ;~;  It's been a while *checks watch* Six years...... wow.

First I would like to apologize for pretty much disappearing off the face of the earth with no explanation whatsoever. 

basically, in 2018 I graduated from high school and got a job right away. It was stressful being freshly 19 and trying to balance social life, work, and home life. I honestly fell off all of the things I loved to do in my free time, Including writing fanfics. I went into a deep spiral of just working and coming home to just eat and sleep. I did try to keep writing and started it up a couple of times throughout the years but in the end, I didn't feel like what I was doing was good enough to post again. 

I've gotten better tho! I have an Etsy shop where I sell stickers that I designed and I recently started writing again which is why I'm here! Even when I haven't posted in years I still see people coming and reading this story and commenting such positive things! I think about this fic a lot when I read other fics. This is my baby, The first thing that gave me such good feelings when I worked on it. 

I have a couple of chapters already written, Some of the writing is from 2018 but honestly my writing style may have changed a bit from when I first started but I still like how I it came a lot so i won't be changing anything. I'm super exexcitedto started posting again!

I'm sorry again for leaving like that and to those who are still here after all these years, Thank you so much for the support and believing that I would come back!

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