Chapter 11

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A small pain throbbed through my head as I leaned against Naraku's chest. His arm lazily wrapped around my waist.

'this doesn't feel right.....' I let out a soft sigh.

I felt fingers go through my hair and curiously peered up at my so-called husband. I frown slightly, still confused as to why he wanted to dye my hair red.

"is something wrong kurama?" naraku mused, moving his hand from my hair to my cheek.

I flinch at the cold feeling of his touch "no.. just trying to remember... I feel bad that I cannot remember my own husband" I cleared my throat, hoping he believed my lie.

Naraku seemed to accept my answer as he pulled me closer to him, I was practically laying on him "you will remember one day"

"I-" I was cut off by a loud explosion on the other side of the castle.

Naraku grunted and hissed, moving me to the floor cushion beside him.

"sesshomaru....." He growled before standing and leaving the room.

A few moments later, kohaku came and escorted me out of the room and out the back of the castle.

"this way kurama"

kohaku and I weaved through the forest. the sounds of a battle getting faint.

'Sesshomaru... why does that name sound familiar?'

I frown as my thoughts started to wander. Suddenly an image flashed through my mind. A man with long silver hair and demon markings on his face.

'wha- do I know him?' I started to slow my pace without realizing. I took a glance back the way we came and slowed to a stop.

'if I know him...then maybe I can ask him about my memories'

I shook my head then turned to continue following kohaku, but I couldn't see him.

"kohaku?" I frown and slowly looked around nervously.

'This isn't good...I cant defend myself against a demon...'

I tensed, hearing someone coming my way.

Before I could even get a start in running, an arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled to someone's chest.

"A-AH!" I gasped, looking up at the persons face. It was the man with silver hair...

He stared down at me with an emotionless expression. he arm loosened and he took a step away from me. 

I open my mouth to say something, but no words came out 'what am I supposed to say? hi, you seem familiar but my so-called husband seems to not like you? can I even trust him? well, he hasn't hurt me yet....'

"Are you Sesshomaru?" I finally decided to ask.

"I am..." His voice was smooth as silk, I suppressed a shiver.

"Are you here to kill me?" I mentally slapped myself for asking that question.

He pondered what I had said for a moment.

"you've lost your memory of me. No, I am not here to kill you. you are safe with me" he spoke in a softer tone as he looked down at me.


Shihiro stood before me with no memory of who I am.

'how shall I return his memory? Tch. That Miko is the only one with knowledge of his past'

I internally sigh before getting behind him with me demonic speed.

"Forgive me"

I knocked him out with a swift jab in the neck.

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