chapter 2

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'that boy...why did I save that boy? ugh. I was supposed to bring kagome back but noooooo~! I had to save that boy and run back to my era so I wouldn't get caught!'

I ran back to the village, seeing the others standing around kaedes hut.

"inuyasha? where's kagome? I thought you went to get her." miroku asked, tilting his head.

"she said she was coming, but had to get somethings ready" I lied smoothly, before jumping into my tree.

its been a few hours before I finally caught a whiff of kagomes scent at the well. I jumped out of my tree "took her long enough...wait. why do I smell that boy with her?" I murmured, dashing to the well through the woods. I climbed up a tree closest to the well and saw kagome climbing out of the well with her bags and that boy came out after her.

'the hell?' I decided to observe them from the trees.

~Shihiro~ moments earlier

So kags told me the whole story of her getting dragged into the well by a demon and all that jazz about this jewel and a guy named inuyasha.

I stood over the well, peering onto it "I don't know kags..... are you sure you weren't dreaming?"

kags sighed a bit "sometimes I wish I was. but you have to believe me!"

I looked at her "then prove it"

next thing I know, kags pushes me into the well and she jumps in after me. I screwed my eyes shut, waiting for the rough landing, but it never came, just soft ground appearing under me.

"open your eyes hiro" I heard kagomes voice in front of me.

I opened my eye slowly, seeing that we were safely on the floor of the well then peeked up at kags " owe me skittles"

kags sighed "fine whatever"

she climbed out of the well with a backpack I just realized she had with her. I was very surprised when I climb out to see a thick forest all around instead of the wells shrine.

"what the? wait. you were telling the truth?"

kags sweat drop at me "well duh"

she leads me out of the forest to a small village 'wow all the people look so old fashioned'

kags walked over to a hut in the back of the village where some people were standing around. I watched awkwardly as the people started talking to her. 'well this is awkward.....' I analyzed the people talking to her. 'a guy with a staff, a lady with a huge boomerang, a cat with two tails and a kid with a tail.....that's not weird at all' I leaned against a tree waiting to be noticed.

the guy with the staff finally noticed me "oh? who are you?"

kags blinked, finally remembering I was here with her "oh my! this is my friend Shihiro but I just call him hiro. I decided to bring him with me"

the guy circled me, looking me over, which made me uncomfortable "he's pretty cute for a guy....." he muttered under his breath, making my cheeks tint pink. I guess the lady with the boomerang heard him as well, cause she suddenly slapped him.

"you lecherous monk! you're going after guys now huh?!?"

her sudden yell made me squeak and hide behind kags "you have to travel with these people?"

" get used to them after a while. inuyashas not here though, so we have to wait for him here so you can meet him and we can get on our way" I nodded slightly, following her into the hut.

sesshomaru p.o.v [ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

"My lord! there's a new scent in the air!" the annoying imp, jaken, hollered as we walked near my disappointment of a brothers village. I took a small whiff of the air, catching an unknown scent ' it's not human nor demon...hmmmmmm' I looked to my imp follower

"jaken. take rin to the creek nearby and protect her" before I could get an answer, I walked away from them towards the human village.

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