Chapter 21

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We spent an hour in the tea shop after that. The kids order more snacks while playing little games at the table. Sesshomaru and I sat in silence, content with just watching the kids. Every once in a while sesshomarus fluff would squeeze my leg as if to reassure me he was still there.

Once we were all done with our tea and snacks. I send the kids off to play again while I walk with Sesshomaru back to our temporary home.

The walk back was, as usual, silent but the air around us grew tense the closer we got to the house.

"....they made you cry" Sesshomaru spoke suddenly when the house came into view. I flinch, gripping the fabric of my kimono.

"I made a choice and assumed they would follow my actions. I was severely disappointed they didn't" I snipped and tried to go inside but he blocked the entrance.

He stared down at me for a moment, neither of us saying anything. He then reached out and cupped my cheek, reminding me of that night.

"You have every right to be upset. At them and at me" he stated, his thumb brushing against my cheek. My breath caught in my throat and I stared into molten gold 'This man can read me like a damn book sometimes'

I huff, leaning into his touch but I also swing my leg back and kick his shine as hard as I can "Glad you are aware I'm upset with you too" I sneer playfully when he shows no reaction as I expected.

I roll my eyes seeing his lips twitch into that barely-there smile "Come on big scary demon lord. There's a woman that needs her ass beat if she doesn't tell us what's really going on"

Without even thinking, I turn my head and kiss his palm before going around him to go inside. I was a couple of steps in before I froze, realizing what I just did.

"Ohmygod. I'm so sorry I used to do that with my mom it was a force of habit I-" I turn around as I ramble and pause, seeing the demon lord just standing there staring blankly at his hand.

"Um. Sesshomaru?" I call out softly, pulling him from his thoughts "You ok?"

He blinks slowly, lowering his hand, and looks at me with soft eyes. My cheeks warm and I avoid eye contact, a fuzzy feeling fluttering in my chest. He walks over and gently grips my chin to make me look at him "You charm me with everything you do"

He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead. He then lets me go and leads me inside while my mind blue screens.

I come back to reality hearing Kagome and the others talking the closer we got to the room. I try to calm my racing heart a bit, my face still beet red as we walk into the room.

They went quiet the moment we entered. Inuyasha sat against the farthest wall with his top off and sporting fresh bandages.

"Well, look who decided to show up" the half-demon sneered and was promptly smacked in the back of the head by Kagome while Sesshomaru growled.

"Shut it you" "Watch yourself half breed"

I snort, watching the demon lord and Shikon Miko stare at each other before nodding in silent agreement of something.

"Okayyyyyy" I look to Miroku and Sango who shrug in confusion. I grab sesshomarus hand and have him sit with me by the wall opposite of the hanyou.

"I'm going to assume Inuyasha being hurt was your doing" I sigh, looking at the demon lord. He didn't answer but the smug air around him said everything.

"Right. Anyway. Time to get down to business"

After that was used the next hour to inform Sesshomaru of what we learned while he was gone.

I spoke of that horrible building in the middle of the field. My lips pull back into a silent snarl.

"Those boys spoke like they knew their fathers would someday be gone. They were too dismissive about 'being the men now'. That is taught behavior" I growl, getting restless to confront Megumi. I feel sesshomarus fluff wrap around my arm.

I breathe heavily, shaking my head "I hate the way this is going. We need to confront Megumi as soon as possible before I just decide to kidnap those babies" I narrow my eyes at everyone in the room "And you can't tell me no"


The rest of the afternoon was spent planning and finding out what Sesshomaru was doing while he was gone. The evil grin that painted my face sent shivers down everyone's (minus Sesshomaru of course) spine.

'Oh this is going to be good' I snicker to myself during dinner.

I look over to Megumi and her sons. Minoru and Masashi look freshly clean and very out of place next to their brother whose clothes were ruffled and dirt smudged on his cheeks. I watched as Megumi attempted to act normal but her hands were shaking and she kept glancing at Sesshomaru. Said demon lord was also watching her though more intensely plus it didn't help that he didn't touch his food at all but that was normal even though she didn't know that.

The longer we sat there, the more fidgety Megumi got. The tension grew more as everyone started to finish their dinner. Rin and Shippo started to get restless so I sent them off to bed.

Megumi and her boys were the last ones to still be eating. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the table, observing how the triplets seemed obvious to their mother's nervousness. I sighed suddenly, which startled Megumi and made her drop her chopsticks.

I pick at my nails, glancing at the poor woman. She trembled and paled when I made eye contact with her.

"Something wrong Megumi-san? You don't look well" I tilt my head, staring into her eyes.

"A-ah I'm fine, L-Lord Shihiro" she stammered, looking between me and Sesshomaru "Must be the cold. The first snow of the season should be coming in the next few days"

Minoru perked up a bit, turning to his mother "The charcoal should be done soon, and the leather-"

I hiss softly as Megumi slapped her hand over the little boy's mouth roughly. I saw tears prick the corners of his eyes as she whispered something in his ear. She obviously forgot about demon hearing. Inuyasha's ears twitched and Sesshomaru didn't even hide his disgust.

"Ahem. Boys off to bed. The adults need to talk now"

The children hesitated, looking at each other before Meiji ultimately nodded "Okay mother" he glared at Sesshomaru as he left with his brothers.

A/N: are ya'll delulu cause I'm delulu and this is my perfect selulu. I hope yall are ready for the next chappy cause I'm not ;~;

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