Chapter 10

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A/N: I LIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE. Before you read I just wanted to let you guys know that I changed up the first chapter and I changed Shane's name to shihiro. Enjoy!)


"Hold your breath kurama" kagura grunted, lowering her feather into a place covered in purple clouds.

I obeyed, looking around seeing many flying demons 'is this really where I lived?'

Once the feather touched the ground, I was allowed to breathe.

"Naraku wanted to see you right when you got here so let's go"

Kohaku grabbed my hand and lead me into a castle type home.

I cringed at the sight of skeletons littered around the halls.

'This place is really scary.....'

We stopped in front of two elegant sliding doors with cherry blossom designs.

"He's resting...." a soft voice spoke to my right, startling me.

Kohaku and I looked over and saw a girl in a white kimono holding a mirror. The only color on her was her eye black as night.

"Ah. Kurama. This is kana" kohaku introduced me to the girl.

I nod to her as a greeting. This place made me feel uneasy, I didn't want to speak.

'I hope I remember something soon.....'



Weeks passed since Shihiro had ran off without telling anyone in the group. Though none thought to ask keade about the missing kizoku. The elder was glad, she didn't want to lie to her dear friends.

She watched kagome got from fuming mad to pacing with worry 'I hope ye be ok Shihiro. I'd hate for kagome to grieve a lost friend'


Naraku chuckled to himself, watching inuyasha group begin on a journey to find their lost friend. He ran his clawed fingers through Shihiro a hair as said boy was resting on his lap.

'Once he allows me to remove the bracelet. You won't be about to touch me, inuyasha'

The spider demon smirked, snaking an arm around Shihiro waist and pulled him close.

"Kagura..." he called out, knowing the woman can hear him "fetch new clothes and a strong red dye for kurama"

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