Chapter 24

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"Shi-Kun! How do I look?" Rin's beaming smile was the first thing I saw when she skipped out from the back room to show me the new kimono.

It was a simple pale pink kimono with small embroidered flowers dotting across the fabric. A nice change from her favorite orange kimono.

"Absolutely adorable Rinne bear" I smile softly, watching her twirl around "Fit for a princess"

The seamstress of the shop happens to be Ume. The old woman who questioned Megumi this morning.

I found out that she wasn't as affected by the men's disappearance. Her husband passed away years ago and she only had two daughters who weren't married yet. She told me how she had disapproved of how the children were made to work, but she had no real power to do anything.

Apparently, her and her daughters had attempted to talk to Megumi, even offering to work in the slaughterhouse themselves. Of course, they were quickly shot down by the insanely sexist woman.

'With Megumis' overall reaction to the woman, Ume-San must be a somewhat important person in this town' I internally muse, looking around the small shop. Well-made fabric and clothing were hung on the walls and lined the few shelves.

'The only permanent seamstress shop in town and very well-liked by the people from what I've seen...' I hum, feeling a small hand touch my cheek. I look at Rin's pouting face with an amused look in my eye.

"Shi-Kun pay attention" She huffed, turning my face to the woman I was just thinking about.

"Ah. Ume-San, Sorry I was lost in thought" I chuckle sheepishly.

The old woman shook her head and smiled softly "No worries, lord shihiro. I was just asking where you will travel next, now that business here is done"

I sigh, petting Rin's head "Well. Lord Sesshomaru will continue his hunt for a certain demon. While I will travel with my other companions for the time being"

My smile turned bitter seeing Rin pout, I card my fingers through her hair.

"I see..." Ume nodded understanding. She then walked off to the back room, probably to help her daughters pack up the items I bought as well as to give us some privacy.

"Rin..." I sighed when said girl buried her face in my stomach.

"I don't want you to go with them Shi-Kun. It's gonna be lonely without you" She whined, gripping onto my kimono.

I don't say anything, just let her simmer in her emotions for a bit. There wasn't anything I could say to make her feel better at this moment.


After the somber moment, it was time to go back to the others. Ume came back with my items well packaged and attempted to refuse payment. But I was stubborn, firmly placing the silver coins in her hands.

"Your hard work deserves payment" I stated to the woman before leaving with Rin.

Rin held onto the side of my kimono while I carried our purchases. I could tell she was still highly upset with the situation.

We go to a couple of other shops before going back to the others. I made sure to buy everything I was planning to get when we first got here.

We made our way to the stables where everyone agreed to meet. I see Sesshomaru and Jaken, as well as Sango with Kirara. Rin ran over to Jaken.

I enter the stable losing Ah-Un so I can get my stuff and organize rins new kimonos and blankets into the saddle bags. I take out the rut sack I Used while traveling with Kagome and pack up the few things I had.

"Shihiro" I jump, almost dropping the book I was holding.

"Jesus for the love of..." I turn to the demon lord that was right whine me "Sesshomaru..." I sigh.

He has an odd look on his face, I couldn't gauge what he could be thinking or feeling. I probably have the same look too if I'm being honest. I didn't know how to feel at the moment. A swirl of unknown emotions filled my chest at the thought of not traveling with Sesshomaru or Rin.

"Are you going to be alright?"

His question caught me off guard.

"...I believe so. I'm excited for a little change and possibly going back to my original time with Kagome for a bit" I told him honestly as I turned and finished packing up my bag "But I'm also a little sad that I won't be traveling with you or Rin for a while"

I sling my bag over my shoulder and grab Ah-Un's reins. Sesshomaru stayed silent, watching me lead the beast out just as the rest finally showed up.

I raised my eyebrows seeing Rin and Jaken in each other's faces arguing about something. I look over at Sango and gesture to the two "What's going on?"

The demon slayer gave me a mischievous which confused me more than I already am.

"Shi-Kun!!" I blink, feeling tiny hands grab fist fulls of my kimono.

"Rin?" I look down at her, seeing the most determined look on her face.

"I'm going with you!"


A/N: A bit short but a good stopping point for this chapter! Sorry It took a while ;-; my laptop broke and typing it all out on my phone was just not gonna happen. But I was able to order this cool Bluetooth keyboard for my phone! Anyway. I really hope y'all lied this chapter! I already have the next chapter written down so I just need to type it out!

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