34. [The Prince's Broken Doll]

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[Song Above: Teeth by 5 Seconds Of Summer]

Clef noticed that for the past few days, Kondraki had been tense. He watched him pace back and forth, "Konny, are you good?"

Ben paused, "Yes- No- AHH! I don't know."

"Well, what's got you in a tizzy?"

"The 408 I have with Draven at all times is worrying me. It won't tell me where he is or who he's with."

"Call him then? It's kinda weird to spy on your kid."

"I'm protecting him. It's not weird if it's for his own good."

"That doesn't justify it, hon. He's like what 20 something? He can handle himself."

"Whatever. Don't tell me how to parent." Ben scoffed as he called his son. 

The phone rang for a moment before the other line picked up. Clef could only hear one side of the conversation so he didn't really know what was going on.

"Hey, Kiddo."

There was a pause. Kondraki glanced at the 408 instances milling around him, "A little... friend... informed me that you're with someone right now. Someone I don't know. Someone that I should probably get to know. You see where I'm going with this?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly worded like that. They just told me that you were with someone and that you were up to no good, how am I supposed to react when I hear that, kid? How do I know they aren't trying to," He paused, sending a dark glance Clef's way, "do bad things to you? I need to be there to protect you."

Clef didn't like the implication Kondraki was pointing to, that someone else could be just like Lily. He knew that it was fairly common, but this gut feeling in his belly told him that whoever Draven was with was never and would never be capable of something so horrible. 

"I wasn't suggesting, don't get all worked up. I'm just worried as a parent. You know the amount of stress I'm under, you know this ain't good for me."

Clef nodded absently, thinking about how much stress Kondraki was actually under. Being bumped up to site director was gouging into his mental health. 

"Great, you seem fond of this mystery boy. Just let me know when, and uh, is it the crush you've been so all over the place about?"

"Love you too, kid!"

The phone beeped as it hung up. 


"I'm gonna meet my son's crush. Soon, very soon."

"Well, whenever it happens, let me know. I'll drive you wherever."

"Thanks. I just hope I don't scare him too much."

"It'll be fine." Clef chuckled. 



"Here. Put this on."

Kondraki cautiously pulled the black button up on, studying the intricate, pale butterflies stitched on the sleeves. 

"Come here." Clef laughed lightly, pulling the unbuttoned shirt together. Ben stumbled closer at the sudden jerk, watching calmly as Clef buttoned the shirt for him. He got to the final button, looking up at the towering brunette with a smile. 

"Why did you even have this shirt?"

"I got it for your birthday but I suppose you can have it early." 

"Oh... Thank you, Alto."

Clef hummed, grabbing a tin of hair gel and coating his fingers in it. He ran his fingers up into Kondraki's messy locks, pushing them back so they stayed smooth. Clef pulled his hands back, gazing at Kondraki with a soft smile.

Benjamin smiled back, "Thank you. Really, thank you. I think I'd lose my head without you."

He's gonna lose it anyway. Clef ignored the voice, he'd gotten better at that over the years. He shook his head, stepping up on his tiptoes to kiss his lover. He pulled away after a moment, "You look stunning as always, Konny."

Ben blushed, "Aw, shush. Let's go, we'll be late."

Clef sped into the restaurant's parking lot, swerving up to where Draven and a frail brunette stood on the pavement. I think I recognize him... hmmm...

Kondraki stepped out of his car, Clef caught a look of surprise flash across the son's face. Kondraki turned as he grabbed the door to shut it, growling in a joking manner, "Remind me to never ask you for a ride!"

Clef puffed and cackled out, "Oh? At least I don't drive like Gerald." 

"I don't think anyone could be THAT bad at driving, Cleffy." Kondraki snorted, shutting the door before Clef could reply. 

Clef rolled his eyes before driving off to find a parking spot. He sat scrolling on his phone while he waited for Kondraki. Almost an hour later, Kondraki opened the passenger door and got in. He looked panicked, "Drive."

Clef nodded and drove off. He glanced at his lover, "How'd... How'd it go?"

"Relatively fine but I accidentally revealed that I'm seeing someone."

"Oh. HAH! I'm wounded, how could you cheat on me?" Clef joked, sarcasm slick on his tongue. 

"Shut up."

"Love you too, Ben."

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