30. [Repentance: Pt.2]

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[Song Above: Toba The Tura from Razia's Shadow by Forgive Durden]

A/N: If you post fanart or something for this book on Instagram, you can tag me at fell_saturn and I'll see it! :)

Clef gritted his teeth and made a feeble attempt at backing away as Gears made his way closer. Gears was near impossible to read because he showed no emotion. Clef had no clue what to expect.

"Honestly, Clef. You're lucky. You came from a bad place, a bad organization. The Foundation took you in when you needed help. And this is how you repay us? You try to kill an SCP and destroy this site."

Clef hissed, "This wasn't my fault!"

Gears narrowed his eyes, "Then whose? The child's? Lying will not help you here."

"Not the child! Something much darker. Why would I lie in this situation? I still can't believe this happened!"

"You're making no sense, Clef. You've gone mad. You should be stripped of your title and made a D-class for this." Gears said coldly.

"THAT ISN'T FAIR—!" Clef shot forward, wobbling unsteadily.

Gears stepped closer, eyes threatening, "Life isn't fair. You're foolish and dangerous. I don't see why the Foundation sees you as useful."

Clef scoffed, "You're so dense and emotionless, I hope it comes back to bite you in the ass one day."

"I've struck a nerve, have I? Getting defensive there, Alto."

Clef flinched back slightly, a look of fury crossing his face, "Don't call me that! You don't have the right!"

"And who does? It's your name, I can say it if I want to."

Clef's breathing went heavier due to anger, "Not you. You don't have the right to say my name. I chose it. It's mine. You-..." He grabbed at his hair, his body shaking with stress. "You don't own me. No one does."

"Stop whining. No one is trying to own you, there are rules for a reason." Gears rolled his eyes.

Clef managed to calm himself, going back to keep his wound from getting worse. He glanced at Gears wearily, eyeing the rebar with subtle fear.

"Just look around. When you don't follow the rules, this happens. Look what you've done."

What I've done? Me? I did this? No. It was... the King... Was it real? Was this my... imagination? No... he's real... he told me to... he controlled me... but... what if it wasn't real?

He glanced at his bloodied hands in horror. What if I actually did this? What if this was my doing? Will Ben hate me forever? Will no one trust me again? Will I get terminated?

When he came back to reality, he found himself on the ground. Gears was pressing the rebar to his chest, staring down at him in blank disappointment. Clef wrapped his hands around the metal, seething at the older man.

"You're pathetic, Clef."

Clef spat up at him, "At least I can feel things!"

"You're being an idiot."

Clef winced as he tried to wiggle free of the bar and sent a spike of pain through his wound. Pain clouded his thoughts for a moment, long enough to have him mumbling absently, "When the sun turns red and you finally succumb to eternal rest, I'll be there to greet you. I won't be so lenient with you anymore."

His eyes rolled around like a doll's before his face cracked with a wide grin, "I'll be there to watch you burn in Hell, Charles." He blinked from his haze and shook himself, his head gently falling to rest on the ground.

Gears looked at him in confusion, shrugging lightly, "See? You're insane. No one will forgive you. You tried to kill a child."

Clef started to shake his head, but Gears continued, "You'd have to do something the O5 would be pleased of in order to get your previous respect back."

"It wasn't me."

"Stop saying that and just own up to this. The faster you do that, the faster we can both be out of here. Just admit you were stupid and failed miserably at a half baked plan to kill 239."

"Alright. That's quite enough, Gears." Kondraki's gruff voice came from somewhere down the hall but Clef couldn't really see behind Gears.

As soon as the brunette came into his line of sight, he passed out.

Later, when he, for a brief moment, awoke, he saw Kondraki kneeling next to him. He was checking the stab wound and applying pressure when he couldn't do it himself. He might not trust him fully anymore but he still loved him.

Before he passed out again, Clef reached out and cupped the curve of Kondraki's cheek in his hand. With a sloppy smile, he mumbled, "Konny..."

Kondraki didn't say anything. He just stared down at him with sad, sad eyes. Clef took that as a sign to continue, "Even if you don't forgive me, I'll still love you. If this kills me, I'll still love you. I love you. I love you, Konny. I love you-..."

Kondraki let a broken smile cross his face, whispering something right as Clef lost consciousness, "I know, Alto."

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