23. [Loving Harder]

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[Song Above: Addicted by Saving Abel]

As soon as the door clicked shut, they scrambled to get their shoes off. Clef grabbed at Kondraki's coat, attempting to drag him down the hall. Kondraki let out a dark chuckle before grabbing Clef's wrist, slamming him into the wall.

Clef's eyes went wide as he gasped lightly. He stared at Kondraki silently, biting his lip. He huffed and rolled his eyes up when he felt teeth graze his neck, trailing along his jawline. Their lips collided for a few heartbeats, it was rough and their teeth clashed as Kondraki added more force to the kiss.

Clef bit his bottom lip hard when the brunette trailed down, nipping playfully at his collarbone. Clef found that his hands were free, he decided to occupy their newfound freedom by tangling his fingers in Kondraki's hair. He felt the taller's hands on his sides, running delicately up and down his body.

He held back his voice that tried its hardest to claw up his throat. His previous tension had lessened but didn't let go completely. He gripped Kondraki's hair tighter as the brunette started to suck and bite his collarbone, his hot breath wafting across his neck.

Feeling every press of Kondraki's lips, every graze of his teeth, every breath he took, it made him giddy and faded. The world around them no longer mattered, his focus was entirely on the male at his neck.

God, I love you, Konny. You make me feel things I never thought I could feel. I've never wanted someone as bad as I want you. I've never really, like truly, wanted someone. Take me all you want, Kon, I'm yours for tonight and for forever. I love you so fucking much. I'll be here whenever you need me, 'til death do us part.

He opened his eyes, dragging himself from his mind. Clef absently looked down, watching Kondraki's hands undo his Hawaiian shirt. Clef shouldered off his lab coat so his shirt could follow. He sighed in content, feeling the brunette's hands shuffle his shirt off his form. Kondraki paused to take in Clef's shirtless figure, a small smile brightening his face.

Kondraki lead them down the hall and into his bedroom, Draven was luckily not there. The room was dim, getting darker as Kondraki shut the door behind them. Alto tossed his hat across the room and ruffled his bangs. He yelped when he was shoved down onto the mattress, blinking up at the brunette above him.

"I'm not used to bottoming, Konny-..." He whispered quietly as Kondraki went back to painting his neck in red and pink.

"That's okay. I'll let you do... something like it but not quite the same." The brunette whispered hotly in his ear.

I trust you.

He closed his eyes, indulging in Kondraki tracing his figure on one side. The brunette took his other hand and pressed his palm against Clef's growing tent. Clef gritted his teeth to keep any sound at bay, the feeling of Kondraki's palm grinding into his bulge was sending waves of ecstasy through his belly and chest.

Clef rolled his head back, dazed from the euphoric pleasure raking his entire being. He panted quietly when the pleasure faded, listening to his belt being unbuckled. Kondraki hooked his fingers around the hem of the blonde's pants, tugging them down and off his form along with his underwear.

Clef cracked his eyes open, watching the male above him remove his own clothes. He watched him toss his shirt aside, kick his pants off, and slide his boxers down his legs. Before Clef could manage to do anything, their roles were reversed.

Kondraki had rolled them and Clef found himself staring down at the taller man. The brunette winked at him with a sly grin.

"I though that you wanted to—..."

"Shh," Kondraki shushed him, raking his gaze down Clef's bare figure. Clef shivered at the intense look on the brunette's face. "Ride me."

Clef's eyes went as wide as dinner plates, a blush rising on his cheeks. He laughed hesitantly, trying to hide his face in his hands. Kondraki grabbed his wrists and pulled them from his face, tugging him closer.

"I can't just—..." Kondraki shushed him again, shoving Clef's head next to his, pulling him into his chest.

Kondraki struggled to grab a bottle on his nightstand, dousing his hand in a foreign liquid. He moved the blonde carefully, Clef settled himself on the brunette's thighs. Clef watched in apprehension as Kondraki lathered his length in lubrication.

Clef yelped when Benjamin grabbed his hips and lifted him up. Alto bit his lip as Kondraki slowly entered him. Pain prickled and burned at his entrance. Kondraki was letting him down slowly onto his cock, gauging his reactions at every movement.

He let out the breath he hadn't even realized he'd been hold when his inner thighs met Kondraki's hip bones. He blinked rapidly as he slowly moved his hips forward, pushing Benjamin deeper.

Kondraki groaned at the movement while Clef grunted quietly. Clef planted his hands on the headboard, gripping tightly. He used his legs to lift himself off of his lover's dick, grinding back down again. They both moaned lowly, glad to finally be this intimate.

Clef's rhythm increased but his strength was draining, his legs couldn't keep lifting his weight continuously. Through a haze of pleasure, Kondraki studied Clef's tiring pace. A smirk spread across his face, Clef was too focused to notice.

Clef cursed when he was rolled again, Kondraki taking control. Kondraki grabbed Alto's hips, slamming him along his length over and over. Clef could hardly keep up, his legs were getting some much wanted rest but his voice was getting strained.

Through the consistent pounding of Benjamin's hips, their lips met again. Their tongues fought briefly as they moaned onto each other's lips.

They broke apart, gasping for air. The pace became more ruthless, passionate and heavy. Clef dug his nails into Kondraki's shoulder blades, growling at every thrust. The brunette's pace quickened and his groans became slightly clearer, louder even.

Clef was quickly reaching his limit, teetering on the edge. The tension in his belly built up until it exploded in a rushing wave of heat, his blood felt thick like honey. He twitched as he released across Kondraki's chest, his toes curled as he cried out.

He called the only thing on his mind, "Ben..."

Benjamin jammed his fists into the blankets, gripping tightly. Hearing the blonde's cries sent him over. He dug his teeth into his bottom lip, finishing in his beloved below him with a guttural moan.

"Alto..." He managed to form a single word through his climax. He rode out his high, pulling out and collapsing onto the sheets next to Clef.

They both were exhausted, panting and too tired to move. Clef let sleep consume him while Kondraki weakly watched him drift off, a smile on his features.

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