4. [Break In]

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[Song above: The Sticks by Mother Mother]

Kondraki stood guard at the door to 166's containment cell. He looked around casually.

Clef entered the cell cautiously, looking around the observation room. He pressed his hands to the glass gently, eyes wide and blurry from joy.

A teenager was sitting on a bed, long, blonde hair draped over her form, concealing her. Short, dark horns poked up through her hair, matching her long, eerily sharp fingernails.

She looked up once Clef knocked on the glass. Her eyes were wide, familiar in shape to Clef. Her eye color seemed to shift and shimmer as the lighting hit the orbs differently. Shifting from a pretty teal color to a bright blue with hints of gold and green.

She squinted at him in confusion and slight fear. Clef tried to form a comforting smile, which resulted in 166 baring her teeth at him in anger. She had his sharp teeth.

"It's me... your father..."

She froze, looking startled. She stood, finding a blanket to hide her body. She paced up to the glass and stared at Clef, now presumed to be her father.

"If you really are who you say you are... Shouldn't I be angry at you?"

"I... you're right, I'm sorry. I don't feel guilty for what I did, I do feel bad for how I made you feel though."

"That doesn't help your case." She snarled at him.

He tugged his bangs in frustration, "I'm sorry, I don't want you to be angry at me."

She turned away with a huff, "That's a lame apology."

"I left that organization! I work here to protect you! What more do you want?"

She turned back, an unknown look crossing her features. Her eyes shimmered amber, almost red looking.

She clutched the blanket, her face scrunched in concentration. She eventually sighed.

"Alright. Answer my questions though..."

He frowned and stared at his daughter, he still complied nonetheless.

"Why am I here? It's not my fault I was born like this."

"Because you would endanger humanity. I don't like you here either, I can't do anything about it though."

"Why did you kill mom?"

"...I don't know... I had to..." Clef tilted his hat down to hide his face.

"Why did you choose to visit me now?"

"I couldn't before. Someone's guarding the door for me now though. I don't have long." Clef glanced at the door. Is Kondraki still out there?

"How many people know I'm your kin?"



"The one outside?"

Clef nodded silently.

"There's someone coming, Alto!" Kondraki's voice sounded outside the door.

"Goodbye for now."

Clef opened the door hastily and looked around. 166 stared after him as he exited.

Kondraki studied the grim look on Clef's features.

"H...How'd it go?" He asked gently.

"I apologized to her." Clef looked up at Kondraki with a defeated look.

"That's good at least?"

Clef nodded slowly.

"Thank you, Konny."

"No problem. We can do this again, just ask." Kondraki set his hand on Clef's shoulder gently.

"Okay..." Clef mumbled, his mind too muddled to form a better sentence. The foggy head was either from his thoughts lingering on his conversation with 166 or the sudden physical contact from Kondraki, Clef couldn't decide.

The person Kondraki had warned about passed by, eyes catching on Kondraki's hand that was still on Clef's shoulder. A look of curiousness crossed their face but they said nothing.

Kondraki checked the time and nearly choked, "Shoot! I have to go, it's for my office. See ya later, Alto!"

Kondraki tapped his fingers on Clef's shoulder and pulled away, walking off down the hall. Clef watched him leave with a weird off feeling in the air around him. Hmm... Weird...

I don't think she accepted your apology, I mean you aren't actually sorry. You know that, right? You're not guilty, just admit it. I am! Where's your proof? ... that's what I thought.

You can still recall the events of that day, right Alto Clef? Let's rewatch it just for fun! No...Come on! It'll be fun~

Clef looked down at his hands, his beloved shotgun held tightly in his grasp. His ears rung, and his fingertips buzzed from the thrill he got after shooting his intended target.

The grass was dripping, splashed with dark blood. The wide, starry eyes now dull and seemed to stare right past him. He stared down at the goddess. A desolate look in his eyes as he stared at his former lover. Scarlet trails rolled down her long, dark horns, exiting from the gaping crimson gunshot hole in her forehead.

The thump that had sounded as her body hit the grass gained the attention of a small child. Their small child. The child's long, golden hair hung low over her face as she stared in horror at the sight before her.

The tiny girl raced up to her mother, shaking her a bit.

"Mom? Wake up, this isn't funny."

No response. Tears rolled down out of the child's wide blue starry eyes.

Clef grabbed onto her shoulder, trying to pull her away. The girl shoved her father's hand away with her dainty, blood soaked ones. She ran back to her mom.

"No! Mom! Wake up, please!"

"She's not going to, kid."

The child backed away from the body a few steps. She turned her head to her father. In one hand he held his shotgun, now lowered. The other hand was held out to her. She raced up to him, placing a small, bloody hand in his.

He lead her out of the woods and into a town. He knocked on the door of a convent. Someone answered, looking confused. He pushed his young daughter forward and turned away. In the blink of an eye Clef had fled, and he was nowhere to be found.

The child looked up at the person in absentminded confusion. Her hands held away from her body, she didn't want her mom's blood near her.

Fun, right Clef? It was never fun...

Tears threatened to spill but he wiped them away, and he plastered a Cheshire grin over his pain.

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