14. [Torn At The Seams]

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[Song Above: It's True Love from Razia's Shadow]

They made their way out of the facility and over to Kondraki's car. They got on their respective sides, silent. Clef just stared at his hands awkwardly as Kondraki started the vehicle. They put their seatbelts on and started their ride back to Site 17.

The sun had gone down, the last traces of light being a smudged, sunstreak of magenta, followed by an indigo blanket across the sky. The car ride was silent, aside from the low hum of the radio that was barely even audible.

Clef progressively became more nervous at Kondraki's short glances in his direction. Don't talk about it, Konny. Or I fucking swear—

Clef didn't like this car ride. It was tense. He kept thinking about all the ways their friendship could decay, the probability was far too high for his tastes.

Suddenly a car came over the hill down the road, high beams a blinding, pale white. Clef hissed and pulled down the visor on his side. He stared at himself in the mirror for a brief moment, letting the fact that something fell out of it process.

He looked down at his feet, lifting a leg and grabbing what had fallen. It was a photograph from what he could see, a small one. Of a woman with freckled cheeks. Draven has freckles like that... Is she... Konny's wife?

"Who is this? Konny?" Clef asks, flicking his gaze to the driving brunette.

Green eyes flashed in recognition, he looked away though. He started shifting in his seat, tapping the wheel with his thumbs, even speeding up slightly.

Clef frowned at the lack of response, gazing down at the photo. On the back it just said "Alice". He put it back up in the mirror and closed the visor. His eyes caught on something else. He scoffed in disbelief, How did I miss that? Hanging from the rear view mirror was a wedding band on a chain.

He suppressed the twinge of resentment for this unknown woman, the closet incident seemed to get to him a lot more than he first realized. He plucked unhappily at his ukulele's strings.

He doesn't wear his wedding ring. His marriage must not be the best. How must Kondraki be taking it? How do you feel, Konny? He wanted to know. He hated himself for the fact that hope flared in his stomach. What the fuck is wrong with you, Alto? Your friend is probably incredibly upset over this and you're fucking happy?

He swallowed dryly, shifting to rest his arm on the center armrest. He maneuvered so he's shifted closer to the window while still resting his arm. He watched blankly as trees zip by, one after another.

He listened as Kondraki let out a sigh, then he jumped when an arm brushed his. Scratch that, they both jumped, yanking their arms back toward themselves.

They stared at each other, the radio seemed suddenly louder. The staring contest didn't seem awkward, it felt much different. The air felt weird, electrified almost. Then they were back at 17, crickets singing in the distance.

Clef went to open his door, only to find it locked. He pulled on the handle a few times before turning back to Kondraki, who was grinning at him.

"Open the door, Konny." Clef chirped in a friendly manner.

The amused Kondraki unlocked the door, allowing Clef to scramble out. Why does it feel different now? What happened? I don't think I understand... He shut the door quietly and went to cross the parking lot.

He paused in his step, tilting his hat back. He stared wide eyed at the sky. Its expanse stretched far above, speckled in bright white stars.

Kondraki stopped next to him, staring up at what Clef was looking up at. The moon was full, a blinding silver that seemed to drip stars into the darkened sky.

Clef turned his full attention on the distracted brunette. He just couldn't seem to tear his eyes away. Kondraki's green gaze seemed so much more... different... than normal. Brighter. Calmer. The light seemed to reflect in Kondraki's eyes, scattering the pale moonlight across his gaze.

Then Kondraki turned his head to Clef, a small smile on his face. Clef's heart skipped a beat when the taller took a sudden step closer. A lot closer, barely even a few inches away.

Clef cracked out a whisper, nervous and shaky, "Konny...?"

He just stared. That's all he could do. He was frozen, his heart was racing, breath shaking. One of Kondraki's hands came up and pressed gently against Clef's cheek, his thumb ran across his cheekbone slowly. Clef started blinking, This is a dream, right?

Before Clef could even utter a word, Kondraki had pressed his lips to his. It was a lot gentler than Clef would've expected from the gruff and surly man. The brunette's lips were slow moving, his hand still rested on the blonde's cheek while his other hand gripped at his shoulder tenderly. The hand on his shoulder trailed down, slowly intertwining itself with his hand, their fingers interlocked. Clef didn't even think before clasping Kondraki's hand in his.

After Clef stood ridged for a few heartbeats, he started to kiss back. Their lips locked together, it felt... right. Clef felt light and fluttery, his heart kept doing leaps in his ribcage. They just went slow, in sync and very passionate. Kondraki just kept working at the blonde's lips while Clef was bewildered by this hazy, light feeling.

Then the brunette pulled away, taking his hands off of and away from Clef and turning away with a cough. Clef stood, blinking and lost. He touched his lips lightly with a fingertip, he felt light, happy, and numb all at once.

"I..." Clef choked out, he couldn't process anything correctly. His mind was racing just about as fast as his heart was.

"I'm sorry—" Kondraki started but Clef shushed him.

"That was... wonderful. Out of all the kisses I've shared, none have ever felt like that one..."

Kondraki turned his head back to Clef, surprise shimmering in his eyes. "Really? I feel the same..."

"I think... I think I'm..." Clef started softly but immediately trailed off. He didn't want to say anything yet. He knew it was true but he didn't want to say it out loud.

"You're a real good kisser, Alto." Kondraki said as he made his way into Site 17, leaving Clef standing alone under the stars.

Clef stared wistfully after the male. A single thought running through his head, one his heart was telling him was true.

I think I'm in love with you.

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