19. [Kaleidoscope Hearts & Light Steps]

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[Song Above: Freaks by Jordan Clarke]

Back in the past...

The day dragged on, Clef had managed to hide the document among the clutter on his desk. The clocked ticked and ticked, a slow, lulling rhythm.

Finally, let's take a look at the doc! We can get to work n—

A knock sounded at the door. It was light and tentative, Clef only noticed it because Shadow-Clef had cut himself off.

Guess I have to leave you alone for now... Huh? You won't listen to me if I don't let you have this. Have what? Just go answer the door, idiot.

He shrugged and opened the door, looking expectantly at who was behind it. His eyes widened slightly. Konny?

The brunette jolted when he noticed the door was open. Clef watched him clear his throat and tighten his grip on something he was hiding behind his back.

Clef squinted with an accusing look, What's he hiding there? He glanced back up at Kondraki, studying his body language. He's not even trying to hide the fact he's hiding something.

Clef's eyes went as round as dinner plates, Kondraki pulled his arm out from hiding, presenting it forward.

Clef's hands shakily went up, attempting to reach forward but being quite unsuccessful due to his heart doing flips in his chest.

In Kondraki's hand was a single, thornless, dark red rose...

"How about we get outta here?" Kondraki asked in a soft voice, one he rarely used.

Clef gently took the rose from his grip, smiling brightly as he sniffed at its blood-like petals. The brunette held out a hand, the blonde placing his in it. Their fingertips brushed as their hands clasped together.

They walked down the halls, hand in hand, smiling at each other. They left the building and Kondraki lead the way from there.

"So, Konny, where you taking me?"

"My place. I want to show you something."

"Oh?" Clef raised an eyebrow, a curious flash in his gaze.

"NOT— Not like that!" Kondraki sputtered, waving his free hand wildly.

Kondraki dragged the blonde to his apartment, Clef noted that theirs were separated by a fair amount of distance.

Clef let go of his hand so Kondraki could unlock the door. Once inside, the brunette scurried down the hall and away into the apartment.

Clef scanned the space, it was quiet and cozy like the gruff man's office, Guess he likes living cozily. He chuckled warm heartedly at the thought. His thoughts picked up when he thought about Draven, Is he here?

He looked around frantically, ignoring the punched holes in walls and the faint, stagnant scent of alcohol.

"My son isn't here, he's back at the aviary."

Clef spun around in a guilt ridden manner. "Was I that obvious?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure why he dislikes you so much... Anyway, here." Kondraki held a thin object to Clef.

With his free hand, the one not holding the rose, he grabbed it. He looked down at it. A photograph. His head had been replaced by a goat in this instance.

"Is this the one Draven took in the aviary?"

"Yes. Is— Is that normal? Is that why you tried to get out of frame?"

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