9. [Open The Cage]

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[Song Above: The Other Side from The Greatest Showman]

A few days after Jack's accident, Clef heard no word from Kondraki. He was worried. Whether it was from not hearing from him at all or the fact that he kinda missed him. He was definitely worried. Half of him thinks he's trying to convince himself of that. You're thinking he broke his promise, right? Shut it.

Clef decided to march down to Kondraki's office, asking what he's been up to. As Clef made his way to the brunette's office, he played some tunes on his ukulele. He hummed slightly, jamming to the tune.

He stopped, staring at the door. What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he's been avoiding me on purpose? He knocked either way. He rocked on the balls of his feet, waiting. The door screeched open, the butterfly king looked... more intimidating than usual. Then the brunette's face lit up. He had looked stressed, sad even.

"Alto! What brings you here?"

"You've been ghosting me, Konny."

"O-Oh? I've just been... Doing paperwork. I have way too much I need to get done." Kondraki scratched at his beard awkwardly.

Clef only stared at him, thinking. Clef grinned when an idea started to take shape, "Why don't we visit 19? Take a break, loosen up a bit?"

"I... I don't know... Alto, I've got a lot to do..."

Clef rolled his eyes in a friendly manner. He reached forward and grabbed the taller's forearm. Clef began to drag him down the hall. Kondraki barely tried to escape, he just let the blonde drag him.

"What will we be doing?"

Clef glanced back, "Not sure. Probably annoy Gears and Iceberg."

His arm pulled itself from Clef's grasp. Clef turned in confusion. "What?"

"I can't. I need to do my work, I could get in serious trouble too."

"I've done this plenty of times, there's nothing to worry about, Konny." Clef rolled his eyes again.


"No one can get in more trouble than Bright. You'll be fine." Clef waved a dismissive hand.

"Will you listen to me?" Kondraki hissed.

"Konny, I saw the look you had on your face when you opened the door. You need a break. If you stress yourself too much, you can seriously hurt yourself."

Kondraki grumbled but he held his arm out to be grabbed again. Clef smiled and latched on once more.

Later, pair walked slowly into the building. Clef always got this sense of unease when at Site 19, but he ignored it now.

As they walked down a hallway, Clef started to make small talk, "So... This place is creepy, right?"

Kondraki glanced at him, "Yeah, I feel like something is gonna pop out of the vents or something."

"They should make a video game or something based on this place. Don't ya think?"

The brunette only shrugged. Wow, great response, Konny.

"Now I feel stupid."

Kondraki shot him a confused look, "Why?"

"Well, this conversation went to shit. I feel stupid now."

Kondraki shoved him playfully, which took Clef by surprise. "Don't feel like that, Cleffy!"

The blonde's eyes went as wide as dinner plates. "First of all... I told you not to call me that. Second, are you actually loosening up, Konny?" He feinted his excitement at the second statement.

"So what if I am? That a crime, Cleffy?"

Alto looked away sharply. He didn't know why, but he felt some sort of way when Kondraki put that much emphasis on his name.

"No... It's just... I wasn't expecting you to loosen up that fast."

They froze when they got to a turn and the sight before them startled the pair. They weren't expecting it, that's for sure.

Clef's eyes flicked from one spot to another. Kondraki only stared at a D-class left to clean this mess.

It was a lot of blood, dried from being left stagnant for a few days. It was painted across the walls and floors, as if the victim was ripped apart and tossed at the cement.

Clef scoffed in both annoyance and disgust because he was standing in a gooey congealed puddle.

"What happened here?" Clef hissed under his breath.

"My guess would be this is where staff were killed, maybe even Bright." Kondraki muttered halfheartedly.

Clef's eyes caught on long scratches along the walls. Those were scratches made by an impossibly sharp weapon, that was clear. They were pale and deep, cutting almost from one corner to the next.

Clef screwed his eyes shut, he felt bad. How much pain did those people have to go through? It was quick. That... Entity made quick work of them. I can sense he is swamped in resentment and the need for revenge, though he can't remember why. Poor thing. Stop trying to make me feel pity for a murderer. If you say he's a murderer, what does that make you then? ... That's what I thought.

Clef shot his eyes open, a hand was on his shoulder. He looked over at its owner, Kondraki. He made a small smile, Kondraki giving one in response.

"Let's go a different way." Kondraki steered him back down the hall and down another.

"Thank you."

"No problem."


A hum was given, letting Clef know the brunette was listening.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Alto."

"Why are you so nice to me? I'm a-"

"Because I think you're... You're an amazing friend, Alto. You're worthy of my respect and companionship."

"But I'm a murderer, Konny! I have someone's blood on my hands! How am I worthy of anything good?"

Clef was grabbed by his shoulders and spun to face Kondraki head on. He stared into the taller's deep green eyes.

"That's in the past. You did what you were told to. You followed orders. I can see you've changed from the man you used to be. I like the you in the present."

Clef couldn't hold back the smile that cracked his face. His sharp teeth glinting in the lighting.

"Wow, I'm honored. You called me your friend, Konny. Has our relationship truly escalated to this height?"

He was shoved playfully again and Kondraki snorted in laughter.

"This is great, you must admit. I feel...young again. I feel like a teenager ready to break some rules." The brunette sighed and stared down the hall, a distant look in his gaze.

"Ready to have some fun, Konny?"

"You bet!"

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