26. [The Hidden Side]

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[Song Above: Worst In Me by Unlike Pluto]

Clef had fallen into a dreamless sleep, curled in his tight ball next to Kondraki. He blearily awoke to Kondraki speaking, Calling us in sick. Thanks, Konny.

His heart still felt heavy and his head was screaming as his past flickered to life behind his eyes. He shook his head, pressing his thoughts back.

Liar. Liar. You're a liar. You lied so much that you began to believe it yourself. You don't deserve to be happy, you let those awful things happen. No. I didn't. Just because I didn't fight back it doesn't mean I wanted that. I never did. If I could go back and change what happened, trust me, I would. Your weak mind is what created me, Alto. I thrive from your darkness. You should know this by now.

He shook himself, turning over. Don't ignore me. I know you feel it. The longing. The desire to kill the things who once called you kin. We can start slow. 239. Maybe we could work our way up to a big fella? Something like... what does he call it? Nighty? That big beast has a one-track mind. Doesn't want anything other than to inflict emotional distress on one human.

He was roused from Shadow-Clef's rant, Kondraki had shifted closer. The brunette pulled Clef closer, hugging him tightly.

With a small smile, Alto whispered to him, "That's the best I've ever had."

He pushed away the sneers in his head from his past tormentor. Lily's voice faded to the shadowy recesses of his mind.

Benjamin had muttered a quiet response, drawing circles on Clef's shoulder with his fingers. "I wouldn't mind doing that again sometime."

Alto chuckled and leaned into his touch. Indulging in the peace he rarely got, the serenity filling his head with white noise.

Should I tell Epon the truth? Hm... No, she doesn't need to know the pain I've gone through. She can live a peaceful life in blissful ignorance, no use spoiling it for her.

Clef's peace was short lived. The ringing of a cellphone knocked his desperate grasp for calm away. He grew restless and annoyed as Kondraki drowsily picked up the phone.

He yelped, Kondraki had sat upright in a heartbeat and sent Alto into the whirlwind of blankets. He bit back a sharp retort at Kondraki's sudden movement, the brunette was sitting on the edge of the bed, shoulders tense.

He watched him carefully, studying his restraint. Something about this hit Clef with a dreadful sense of familiarity. He hated it. He knew that if anyone made his Konny look so stressed, they were to be cut out.

His eyes narrowed as he listened to Kondraki snarl into the phone, "He doesn't want to see you."

He waited, knowing whoever was on the other end was most definitely sending a stinging reply to Ben.

Clef flinched at Kondraki's response. His theory had been proven by how loud and furious the brunette sounded.

The king had roared into the phone, "DON'T FUCKING TALK DOWN TO ME, BITCH."

He watched the fuming man hang up and slam his phone down onto the nightstand. Ben ran his hands through his hair, sighing in defeat.

He nodded calmly as Kondraki announced he was going to take a shower. Take your time, Konny dear.

After a few minutes of listening to the water run, he grew bored. He sat up, wrapping a blanket around his bare form. He awkwardly trudged out of the bedroom, wincing every other step.

He entered the kitchen, he was hungry so he figured he'd look for something to snack on. He fumbled around in the cupboards, finding nothing he desired. He yawned and opened the fridge. What he saw made him freeze up, his heart twinged in hurt and fear.

There was only a few food items strewn about on the shelves but what really got him freaked out was what took up over half the fridge. Multiple bottles of strong alcohol. Big bottles. Some were nearly empty.

Ben... What are you going through?

Frowning, he shut the door. Brushing off his concern, he waltzed back to bed. Entering the room like he hadn't just seen that his lover was a raging alcoholic.

He sat on the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh, pulling the blanket tighter around his form. Clef's gaze found itself wandering to the discarded phone. His curiosity spiked as it buzzed a few times.

He reached over, pulling the phone into his lap. Biting his lip, he stared down at the lock screen. Three digits... Hmm... 408?

He typed it in and snorted as the phone immediately unlocked. Obviously. He opened the texts, scanning through them quickly.

You're such a bad example for Draven.

Alto frowned, gritting his teeth as his anger rose. Alto, calm yourself. It's not Lily. NOT LILY. She's just a normal woman named Alice. Kondraki is okay. You're okay.

He typed a response angrily, trying to make it seem like Kondraki had wrote it himself.

How do you know what kind of example I set? You don't even know what I do 24/7.

All you do is drink. Why would that be good to show my son?

Clef bit back his anger, eye twitching briefly as he sighed in contempt.

You clearly don't know me. I do much more than that. I bet you can't even name my closest friend.

A grin spread across his face, growing wider as each second passed. He watched the typing symbol appear and disappear, Alice did not provide an answer.


A peculiar sadness rung through his chest. Something about the answer didn't sit right. Not that it wasn't correct, it just felt... sad. Lonely and heartbroken, a word that could pierce even the coldest of hearts. It didn't feel right at all. Oddly enough... it felt like someone's last breath.

His eyes danced over the read symbol under the message. Scoffing, he turned the phone off and set it where Kondraki had left it.

Said brunette walked in with a towel around his waist, hair a dripping mop on his head. Clef smiled, "I replied to your wife or whatever she is."

Ben jolted and grabbed his phone, reading through the furious exchange. He calmed down, scratching at his beard.

"Thank you." He grinned at the blonde.

"No prob! I... I really didn't like how she was treating you."

"It's okay. We're supposed to be getting divorced but she refuses to sign the papers. She wants to leave but she doesn't want me to leave and it's fucking annoying at this point."

Clef's face heated in shame as he sighed in relief. Is it bad that I'm relieved that he doesn't want to be with her? I mean, I did have sex with him so we're more than just friends at this point. It's reasonable, right?

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