20. [Keeping Secrets & Asking Questions]

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[Song Above: Hold Me Tight Or Don't by Fall Out Boy]

The pair ended up falling asleep on the couch, clutching the other like their life depended on it. Kondraki slept peacefully, Clef could not say the same for himself.

Chained to a chair, he was forced to watch Shadow-Clef tear the wings of a 408 from the poor insect's body. It rained silvery feathers, they fluttered and danced their way to the ground.

He snapped awake. Something woke him up, it was a noise. The door to the apartment was being opened. Kondraki was awake now too, lifting his head groggily.

Next thing Clef knew, he was shoved off the couch, landing roughly on the floor in between the couch and coffee table.

"Ouch-... What was that for?!" He hissed out, barely audible.

"Be quiet!" Was the response he got.

They stopped arguing, turning wide-eyed to the doorway. Draven walked past, yawning. The teenager didn't even glance over once, he just went to his room.

Clef sat up as soon as the kid was out of sight. He grumbled and awkwardly got off the floor. "Was that necessary?" He growled, dusting himself off.

"No but I really wanted to do that."

"That's rude, Konny."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just stop talking so loud."

"Gotcha, I guess I should go then?"

"Might be for the best."

Nodding, Clef walked silently into the kitchen. He placed his hat on his head and grabbed his rose off the table. He smiled into the petals for a second before meeting Kondraki at the door.

Kondraki quietly swung the door open, holding it ajar for Clef. Alto trudged outside into the hall, the brunette following him slowly.

Clef glanced at the rose, making a decision. He spun on his heel, planting a kiss on Kondraki's lips. This was the first time Alto initiated a kiss with him. The brunette squeaked quietly, blinking rapidly.

Hesitant hands pushed him away, confusion ripped through his senses. Wha— Why is he-...? He looked up at Kondraki, completely baffled. Disturbed green eyes stared right back, "Kon...? What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"What are we?"


"Alto, what are we?"

Oh, he means... What are we doing? What is this? Are we together... or...?

"I... I don't know, Benjamin."

"We should know."

"I know that."

"If we are... I can't tell my son. My wife is... We don't have the best relationship going and he's convinced that we can still work out. That's never going to happen, Alice just keeps his hopes up. I fucking wish I could cut her off from him."

"Konny..." Clef melted his confusion into a pitying smile.

"You gotta let me know, Alto. Are we together?"

"I think."

"You think?"

"I'm not sure yet, Kon."

"Okay. Let's take some time to think."


After that, Clef turned and stalked off to his own apartment. Passing a window, the pale glow of the moon painted his features in silky light.

Everything was peaceful in that short moment, then everything fell apart.

You're done now? Good. You've wasted all this precious time already, there's no more time to lose!

You're the one who told me to have some free time!

And you went over the time limit!

You didn't tell me I had a time limit!

Whatever! There's no use arguing over this, it's already been done, I can't change your mistake.

MY mistake?

There's things happening, important things that will change fates.

Uh-huh, like what exactly?

The traitor has made her first big decision! She's a long ways away from joining the foundation and helping the witch, but she has locked away a powerful soul! Her own mother's soul is now sitting dormant in a stone! I like this kid, she could be useful.

If she helps 239, wouldn't that make her your enemy?

True, very true, but her power isn't a gift or something to be jealous of, it quite literally is her. She's a peculiar case, very dangerous.

Then why don't you target her?

HAHA, are you kidding? She calculates her important spells, with a snap of her fingers she could completely erase herself from our memory and the timeline as a whole!

Hm. Okay, so let's not go anywhere near this mystery person. When do we strike 239?

Not for a while, a few things need to happen before then. The chances of our success are far too slim at the moment.

Then what do we do now?

We plan.

Okay, one more thing.

Urg, what?

I keep having dreams with... birds and feathers and things... do you have any clue on what that might mean?

Hmm, a feisty fellow ain't he?

Huh, who??

Just someone. He isn't very happy with you.

When have I ever made someone needlessly angry without apologizing?

You have NO idea...

Alright, you know what, planning. Let's go plan. Forget I even asked!


Hmm, a page of doodles? Look, I drew the scooter incident where I was dressed up as Kondraki for Halloween and got launched over the handlebars of a tiny, purple scooter.

Hmm, a page of doodles? Look, I drew the scooter incident where I was dressed up as Kondraki for Halloween and got launched over the handlebars of a tiny, purple scooter

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