24. [Intermission pt.3: Revelations & The Wronged]

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[Song Above: Dynasty by MIIA (Elephante Remix) ]

Back in the present...

"You... had sex... with... my father..."

Clef refused to meet Draven's eye, choosing to let his sight follow the butterfly crawling along his arm. He curled his fingers into his palms, feeling the cold in his limbs.

"Yup." He said absently, popping the P.

"Well, that explains a lot." Draven scoffed lightheartedly, leaning into James' touch.

Clef jolted suddenly as his phone buzzed. The Foundation provided it but he really didn't use it. He grumbled lowly and pulled it from his pocket.

The screen read that he received a text from an unknown number. What's worse was the fact that it wasn't a Foundation number either.

He glanced at the newlyweds who were preoccupied in a small cuddle session. Clef bit his lip and opened the text.

His blood turned cold. This wasn't a normal text. It wasn't a prank from Bright. This was a threat. A genuine death threat from seemingly anyone.

He didn't want to look at it. He didn't want to even know what it said. Someone was after him and they were not happy with him. They wanted his head on a silver platter.

Any normal person would be filled with terror. He wasn't. He was just... nervous.

This wasn't a text from some random lackey in the Chaos Insurgency or Serpent's Hand or anything like that. No. He knew exactly who sent this. At least... he was pretty sure he knew who it was.

It was most likely someone who was upset with his betrayal of the Global Occult Coalition. It was someone who looked up to him. Someone who wanted to be like him. There was only one person like that in the GOC.

He remembered faintly coming back from missions and running into his little fan. They weren't just inspired by him, this person was a fanatic. So utterly consumed in everything Clef did and how he did it.

His dream clicked. The birds. A warning of sorts. He knew the kid would come after him someday, he just didn't remember that he knew.

His gaze went back to his phone. His eyes trailed over the message as he swallowed dryly.

Alto Clef. Ukulele. I don't care what you call yourself. You know who this is. I know you do.

I'm going to make you feel the pain you caused me. You left everyone. How dare you? How could you betray us? Betray me? You were my hero. I trusted you.


Yes. Clef knew exactly who sent this. Definitely. His hunter was a GOC agent that had worked alongside Clef. Who had copied his every move.
Followed his every order without question.

Agent Argentavis.

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